Friday, April 30, 2010

Peace Luncheon Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM

Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi and the Social
Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
Keynote speaker: Ray McGovern. Delegate Sheila Hixson and Senator Jamie
Raskin will be honored for their work on the ASVAB legislation
Help raise funds for Afghan women. Raffle for a motorized bike! More
info. see:

Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Dr., Rockville, MD 20805,+Rockville+MD+20805
Public transportation: Short bus ride from Rockville Station (Red Line)
RIDE-ON Bus 55 towards Germantown Transit Center

Donna Edwards, Others Deny Endorsing Lenett

Note: Roger Manno will speak at the next Progressive Alliance Meeting in
"Mobilizing for progressive candidates" 7:30 to 9 PM Tuesday, May 4th
Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
Public Transportation: 2 blocks from Wheaton Station (Red Line)


Join Roger for his Official Campaign Kick-off 3:30-4:30 PM Sunday, May 16th
Sol D'Italia restaurant 14324 Layhill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906.
Public Transportation: Short bus ride (RideOn 49) from Glenmont Station
(Red Line)


From Maryland Politics Watch: Franchot, Gansler and Edwards Deny
Endorsing Lenett

The Gazette is reporting that Comptroller Peter Franchot, Attorney
General Doug Gansler and Congresswoman Donna Edwards are not endorsing
District 19 Senator Mike Lenett in his race against challenger Roger
Manno. Lenett had claimed their endorsements in a campaign press
release. We also talked to representatives of Franchot, Gansler and
Edwards and received the same response.


A source close to Edwards told us, "She is NOT endorsing Lenett. As a
matter of fact, Lenett is so scared that he lied about the endorsement
he is asking forgiveness by asking Donna not to say anything about his
'mistake' and that the whole thing be forgotten." We hear Edwards is
FUMING. Could she be so mad that she might actually support Manno down
the road instead?


Gazette coverage: Dems stay out of Senate race after Manno jumps in,
Lenett initially claimed support of Franchot, Gansler, Edwards in
District 19 primary


Please share this with all the progressives you know.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Manno * Democrat * Senate * "Leadership Takes Teamwork"
For Immediate Release * Contact: Rebecca Smondrowski, 301-325-6246


Silver Spring, MD - Tonight at 7:30 pm, Delegate Roger Manno will be a guest on WPFW Pacifica Radio (89.3 FM) and will formally announce his candidacy for the Maryland State Senate seat in the 19th Legislative District.
Manno has previously appeared on WPFW's "Dialogue" with host Garland Nixon to discuss Manno's role as a member of a White House health care working group. Manno has also worked collaboratively with Nixon and others on comprehensive health care reform and social justice issues at the state and federal level.
"I do not enter this race lightly," said Roger Manno today. "Over the past several months I have been approached by many in my legislative district who have expressed their concern that we need a more collaborative type of leadership in Annapolis. We've come a long way in the fight for quality, affordable and accessible health care, a world-class education system, jobs and a strong economy, but I believe we can do better. By bringing people together we can accomplish great things."
Manno will officially kick-off his campaign on Sunday, May 16th from 3:30-4:30 pm with an afternoon rally at Sol D'Italia restaurant in Silver Spring, Maryland.


Manno * Democrat * Senate * "Leadership Takes Teamwork" More information see:

Monday, April 26, 2010


Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic Candidate for Congress

Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM
New Busboys and Poets 5th & K Sts. NW
1025 5th Street NW, DC 20001
3.5 blocks from the Convention Center metro (Green/Yellow line)

Marcy Winograd is a long-time activist for peace and social justice
running against corporate / Blue Dog incumbent Jane Harman (CA-36) in
the June 8 Democratic primary. Marcy wants to redirect our priorities
from war spending and corporate greed to job creation, world-class
education, health care, and energy independence through a Green New
Deal. While Jane Harman famously called herself "The Best Republican in
the Democratic Party," the Party named Marcy a "Democrat of the Year."
Come see why the San Francisco Chronicle named this one of seven
national races to watch.


Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Sanford Gottlieb discuss and sign "Red
to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics"

Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Sts. NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
2 blocks from U Street Cardozo Metro stop (Green Line)

Link to the webstore and book description:


Progressive Alliance Meeting in Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive
candidates, events and issues

Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM
Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
2 blocks from Wheaton Metro (Red Line)

Agenda: Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues. We're
making progress in our county and state on Healthcare, Verifiable
Voting, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and
other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the
state and national level, planning special events, forming a steering
committee, and working on meetings with elected officials and other


Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi and the Social
Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of Rockville

Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Dr, Rockville, MD 20805,+Rockville+MD+20805
Public transportation:

Keynote speaker: Ray McGovern. Delegate Sheila Hixson and Senator Jamie
Raskin will be honored for their work on the ASVAB legislation Help
raise funds for Afghan women. Raffle for a motorized bike! More info.

Montgomery County's annual Peace Luncheon, Sat., May 8, 11:30 a.m.

From Dr. Pat Salomon:

 Don't miss Montgomery County's annual Peace Luncheon, Sat., May 8, 11:30 a.m.
Keynote speaker: the fabulous Ray McGovern, who will inspire you and give you hope and energy for our long struggle for peace.
Delicious Middle Eastern food, stirring music, great speaker--and all to benefit a terrific organization that provides services for rural Afghan women (Women for Afghan Women: ).
Plus, we'll present awards to Sen. Jamie Raskin, Del. Sheila Hixson and a high school student in recognition of their work for peace.
New this year: A raffle of a very cool electric scooter, to benefit the Afghan youth group "Our Journey to Smile."
Suggested donation: $20 (includes lunch).
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville, 100 Welsh Park Dr., Rockville. Directions here: 
Everyone is invited, but please be sure to RSVP to so that the organizers can ensure enough food for everyone!
Sponsored by Peace Action Montgomery, the UUCR Social Justice Committee, and Pax Christi.
-- Pat Salomon, MD

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Winograd, Challenges Harman on Iran, Healthcare, MORE!

Winograd Warns Harman Not to Jeopardize National Security

Congressional Candidate Challenges Incumbent on Iran
Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democrat for Congress Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM
New Busboys and Poets 5th & K Sts. NW / 1025 5th Street NW, DC 20001
3.5 blocks from the Convention Center metro (Green/Yellow line)
To learn more about the Winograd For Congress campaign, visit:

Congressional Candidate Marcy Winograd (CA-36) warns her opponent Jane Harman not to jeopardize world peace with talk of a military strike on Iran. Harman told reporters recently she does not believe “that the possibility of a military strike as a last resort is off the table if sanctions fail and Iran presses forward with its (nuclear) program.”

Says Winograd, “My opponent’s reference to a military strike is both reckless and reminiscent of the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq, when she failed to provide any oversight in her role on the House Intelligence Committee. At the time, we heard that Iraq was about to attack us with weapons of mass destruction. Now, Harman is parroting the same scare-mongering that led us to a trillion dollar war in Iraq.”   

Harman is seeking economic sanctions against Iran if it does not abandon its nuclear program. Winograd, who opposes sanctions, points out Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty, has never been found in violation of that treaty, and, according to US intelligence analysts, is not currently working on a nuclear weapons program.

“Sanctions can serve as a precursor to war to debilitate the country before an attack,” says Winograd, pointing to the decade of US sanctions against Iraq prior to the US invasion. “Rather than impose punitive sanctions sure to backfire and mobilize Iranians against the United States, our Congress should support diplomatic solutions to this impasse, while re-examining our own nuclear weapons policy which dangerously reserves the right to launch a first-strike on Iran.”

Congress is expected to soon pass a bill enacting crippling economic sanctions against Iran, a country with 70-million people, two-thirds under the age of 30. Winograd notes that the sanctions would necessitate a blockade of goods entering Iran. “Let us not forget," says Winograd, "that a blockade is an act of war under International law. I call on my opponent and the rest of Congress to refrain from jeopardizing U.S. national security and world peace.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Saturday April 24, Day of Climate Action Silver Spring and Bethesda

Earth Day - Day of Climate Action: MoCo
Saturday, April 24, 2010 Starting 10 AM
Location: Downtown Silver Spring
Contact Tama Griffith for more details:

In honor of this historic 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, CCAN is having
a day of climate action in Montgomery Count on the 24th. We'll have a
few teams of people collecting signatures on petitions urging our
Senators to do what the earth really needs right now: help pass a strong
climate bill through the Senate this spring. Then we're capping the day
off with an Earth Day movie and potluck bbq party at the home of one of
our local supporters from the Silver Spring area.

Do something really good for the planet this earth day and help us kick
of our 350 10/10 International Work Party campaign by joining one of our
local petition teams on the 24th. Then come to a party for some good
food, company and a screening of No Impact Man! Come for part or all of
the day!

Schedule: Silver Spring and Bethesda
10 AM – 1 PM – Petitioning at the Silver Spring Farmers Market
1 PM – 1:30 PM – Lunch
1:45 – 3:30 PM – Clean Energy sign on letter outreach to local Silver
Spring businesses
3:45 – Movie Screening and Potluck BBQ Party

Reps. Donna Edwards & Chris Van Hollen+More!


*** Progressive Events in Our Area featuring Van Hollen, Arts Festival
MCPA Mtg, Legislative Wrap Up, MORE! ***
Planning a progressive event? Please send complete details for inclusion
in future updates to


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

1. April 23-25, The First Amnesty International Arts Festival in
downtown Silver Spring -- See:

2. Saturday, April 24, Congresswoman Donna Edwards will hold coffee
conversations in Suitland (8:30 AM) and Silver Spring (10:30 AM).

3. Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM The 2010 General Assembly Session: What
did it accomplish? Progressive Working Group, Delegates, State Senators,
and Constituents in Laurel.

4. Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic
Candidate for Congress from California at the New Busboys in D.C.

5. Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM Rep. Van Hollen and Sanford
Gottlieb discuss and sign "Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and
Grassroots Politics" Original Busboys in D.C.

6. Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM Progressive Alliance Meeting in
Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues.

7. Saturday, May 8th, Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX
Christi and the Social Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of
Rockville, at the church in Rockville.


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

If you live in the Montgomery County Maryland area--or support our
efforts here--please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance.
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. We organize
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
progress in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland. We're gearing up
for an exciting, important election cycle this year. MCPA will endorse
candidates and launch issue campaigns to educate the general public. To
help us achieve everything we should, please support MCPA now. Contact to work with MCPA. Become a supporting member of
MCPA here:


1. The First Amnesty International Festival, Downtown Silver Spring, MD.
April 23-25, Schedule, information, etc.:


2. Congresswoman Donna Edwards will hold coffee conversations in
Suitland and Silver Spring
The Congresswoman will meet with us, provide a legislative update, and
discuss a variety of issues.

Saturday, April 24, 8:30 AM
Suitland Dunkin Donuts--8:30 am - 9:30 am 6100 Allentown Rd. Suitland,
MD 20746
Short Bus 30 ride from Branch Ave. Metro (Green Line) See:

Saturday, April 24, 10:30 AM
Silver Spring Kefa Café--10:30 am -11:30 am 963 Bonifant Street Silver
Spring, MD 20910
3 Blocks from Silver Spring Metro (Red Line) See:

For more information about Congresswoman Edwards, please see:


3. Legislative Wrap-Up: "The 2010 General Assembly Session: What did it

Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG) to discuss issues with Senators
Raskin, Harrington, and Lenett, and Delegates Manno, Montgomery, Hixson,
Bobo, Hucker, and Ali (invited and expected.)

Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM
Laurel Regional Hospital (J. Russell Jones Room)
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

Where do your state legislators stand on key issues including: the
Environment, Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government,
Healthcare, Education, Labor, Gender Issues, Separation of Church and
State, Peace and Justice, and more. Share your legislative priorities
for the 2011 session.

For more information, please call: 443-604-2298


4. Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic Candidate for Congress
from California

Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM
New Busboys and Poets 5th & K Sts. NW
1025 5th Street NW, DC 20001
3.5 blocks from the Convention Center metro (Green/Yellow line)

Marcy Winograd is a long-time activist for peace and social justice
running against corporate / Blue Dog incumbent Jane Harman (CA-36) in
the June 8 Democratic primary. Marcy wants to redirect our priorities
from war spending and corporate greed to job creation, world-class
education, health care, and energy independence through a Green New
Deal. While Jane Harman famously called herself "The Best Republican in
the Democratic Party," the Party named Marcy a "Democrat of the Year."
Come see why the San Francisco Chronicle named this one of seven
national races to watch.


5. Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Sanford Gottlieb discuss and sign
"Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics"

Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Sts. NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
2 blocks from U Street Cardozo Metro stop (Green Line)

Link to the webstore and book description:


6. Progressive Alliance Meeting in Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive
candidates, events and issues

Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM
Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
2 blocks from Wheaton Metro (Red Line)

Agenda: Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues. We're
making progress in our county and state on Healthcare, Verifiable
Voting, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and
other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the
state and national level, planning special events, forming a steering
committee, and working on meetings with elected officials and other


7. Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi and the Social
Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of Rockville

Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Dr, Rockville, MD 20805,+Rockville+MD+20805
Public transportation:

Keynote speaker: Ray McGovern. Delegate Sheila Hixson and Senator Jamie
Raskin will be honored for their work on the ASVAB legislation Help
raise funds for Afghan women. Raffle for a motorized bike! More info.


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

If you live in the Montgomery County Maryland area--or support our
efforts here--please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance.
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. We organize
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
progress in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland. We're gearing up
for an exciting, important election cycle this year. MCPA will endorse
candidates and launch issue campaigns to educate the general public. To
help us achieve everything we should, please support MCPA now. Contact to work with MCPA. Become a supporting member of
MCPA here:


Reps. Donna Edwards & Chris Van Hollen+More!


*** Progressive Events in Our Area featuring Van Hollen, Arts Festival
MCPA Mtg, Legislative Wrap Up, MORE! ***
Planning a progressive event? Please send complete details for inclusion
in future updates to


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

1. April 23-25, The First Amnesty International Arts Festival in
downtown Silver Spring -- See:

2. Saturday, April 24, Congresswoman Donna Edwards will hold coffee
conversations in Suitland (8:30 AM) and Silver Spring (10:30 AM).

3. Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM The 2010 General Assembly Session: What
did it accomplish? Progressive Working Group, Delegates, State Senators,
and Constituents in Laurel.

4. Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic
Candidate for Congress from California at the New Busboys in D.C.

5. Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM Rep. Van Hollen and Sanford
Gottlieb discuss and sign "Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and
Grassroots Politics" Original Busboys in D.C.

6. Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM Progressive Alliance Meeting in
Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues.

7. Saturday, May 8th, Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX
Christi and the Social Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of
Rockville, at the church in Rockville.


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

If you live in the Montgomery County Maryland area--or support our
efforts here--please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance.
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. We organize
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
progress in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland. We're gearing up
for an exciting, important election cycle this year. MCPA will endorse
candidates and launch issue campaigns to educate the general public. To
help us achieve everything we should, please support MCPA now. Contact to work with MCPA. Become a supporting member of
MCPA here:


1. The First Amnesty International Festival, Downtown Silver Spring, MD.
April 23-25, Schedule, information, etc.:


2. Congresswoman Donna Edwards will hold coffee conversations in
Suitland and Silver Spring
The Congresswoman will meet with us, provide a legislative update, and
discuss a variety of issues.

Saturday, April 24, 8:30 AM
Suitland Dunkin Donuts--8:30 am - 9:30 am 6100 Allentown Rd. Suitland,
MD 20746
Short Bus 30 ride from Branch Ave. Metro (Green Line) See:

Saturday, April 24, 10:30 AM
Silver Spring Kefa Café--10:30 am -11:30 am 963 Bonifant Street Silver
Spring, MD 20910
3 Blocks from Silver Spring Metro (Red Line) See:

For more information about Congresswoman Edwards, please see:


3. Legislative Wrap-Up: "The 2010 General Assembly Session: What did it

Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG) to discuss issues with Senators
Raskin, Harrington, and Lenett, and Delegates Manno, Montgomery, Hixson,
Bobo, Hucker, and Ali (invited and expected.)

Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM
Laurel Regional Hospital (J. Russell Jones Room)
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

Where do your state legislators stand on key issues including: the
Environment, Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government,
Healthcare, Education, Labor, Gender Issues, Separation of Church and
State, Peace and Justice, and more. Share your legislative priorities
for the 2011 session.

For more information, please call: 443-604-2298


4. Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic Candidate for Congress
from California

Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM
New Busboys and Poets 5th & K Sts. NW
1025 5th Street NW, DC 20001
3.5 blocks from the Convention Center metro (Green/Yellow line)

Marcy Winograd is a long-time activist for peace and social justice
running against corporate / Blue Dog incumbent Jane Harman (CA-36) in
the June 8 Democratic primary. Marcy wants to redirect our priorities
from war spending and corporate greed to job creation, world-class
education, health care, and energy independence through a Green New
Deal. While Jane Harman famously called herself "The Best Republican in
the Democratic Party," the Party named Marcy a "Democrat of the Year."
Come see why the San Francisco Chronicle named this one of seven
national races to watch.


5. Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Sanford Gottlieb discuss and sign
"Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics"

Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Sts. NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
2 blocks from U Street Cardozo Metro stop (Green Line)

Link to the webstore and book description:


6. Progressive Alliance Meeting in Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive
candidates, events and issues

Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM
Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
2 blocks from Wheaton Metro (Red Line)

Agenda: Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues. We're
making progress in our county and state on Healthcare, Verifiable
Voting, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and
other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the
state and national level, planning special events, forming a steering
committee, and working on meetings with elected officials and other


7. Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi and the Social
Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of Rockville

Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Dr, Rockville, MD 20805,+Rockville+MD+20805
Public transportation:

Keynote speaker: Ray McGovern. Delegate Sheila Hixson and Senator Jamie
Raskin will be honored for their work on the ASVAB legislation Help
raise funds for Afghan women. Raffle for a motorized bike! More info.


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

If you live in the Montgomery County Maryland area--or support our
efforts here--please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance.
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. We organize
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
progress in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland. We're gearing up
for an exciting, important election cycle this year. MCPA will endorse
candidates and launch issue campaigns to educate the general public. To
help us achieve everything we should, please support MCPA now. Contact to work with MCPA. Become a supporting member of
MCPA here:


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Upcoming Progressive Events in Maryland and DC

Upcoming Progressive Events in Maryland and DC


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

1. April 23-25, The First Amnesty International Festival in downtown
Silver Spring, MD.

2. Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM The 2010 General Assembly Session: What
did it accomplish? Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG) and
progressive Delegates, State Senators, and Constituents

3. Tuesday, April 27th 7 PM Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic
Candidate for Congress from California

4. Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM Rep. Chris Van Hollen and Sanford
Gottlieb discuss and sign "Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and
Grassroots Politics"

5. Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM Progressive Alliance Meeting in
Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues

6. Saturday, May 8th Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX
Christi and the Social Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

If you live in the Montgomery County Maryland area--or support our
efforts here--please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance.
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. We organize
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
progress in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland. We're gearing up
for an exciting, important election cycle this year. MCPA will endorse
candidates and launch issue campaigns to educate the general public. To
help us achieve everything we should, please support MCPA now. Contact to work with MCPA.

Become a supporting member of MCPA here:


1. The First Amnesty International Festival, Downtown Silver Spring, MD.
April 23-25, Schedule, information, etc.:


2. The 2010 General Assembly Session: What did it accomplish? Join the
Progressive Working Group (PWG) and progressive Delegates, State
Senators, and Constituents

Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM
Laurel Regional Hospital (J. Russell Jones Room)
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

Discuss issues with Senators Raskin, Harrington, and Lenett, and
Delegates Manno, Montgomery, Hixson, Bobo, Hucker, Ali (invited and

Where do your state legislators stand on key issues including: the
Environment, Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government,
Healthcare, Education, Labor, Gender Issues, Separation of Church and
State, Peace and Justice, and more. Share your legislative priorities
for the 2011 session.

For more information, please call: 443-604-2298


3. Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic Candidate for Congress

Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM
New Busboys and Poets 5th & K Sts. NW
1025 5th Street NW, DC 20001
3.5 blocks from the Convention Center metro (Green/Yellow line)

Marcy Winograd is a long-time activist for peace and social justice
running against corporate / Blue Dog incumbent Jane Harman (CA-36) in
the June 8 Democratic primary. Marcy wants to redirect our priorities
from war spending and corporate greed to job creation, world-class
education, health care, and energy independence through a Green New
Deal. While Jane Harman famously called herself "The Best Republican in
the Democratic Party," the Party named Marcy a "Democrat of the Year."
Come see why the San Francisco Chronicle named this one of seven
national races to watch.


4. Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Sanford Gottlieb discuss and sign
"Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics"

Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Sts. NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
2 blocks from U Street Cardozo Metro stop (Green Line)

Link to the webstore and book description:


5. Progressive Alliance Meeting in Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive
candidates, events and issues

Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM
Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
2 blocks from Wheaton Metro (Red Line)

Agenda: Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues. We're
making progress in our county and state on Healthcare, Verifiable
Voting, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and
other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the
state and national level, planning special events, forming a steering
committee, and working on meetings with elected officials and other


6. Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi and the Social
Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of Rockville

Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Dr, Rockville, MD 20805,+Rockville+MD+20805
Public transportation:

Keynote speaker: Ray McGovern. Delegate Sheila Hixson and Senator Jamie
Raskin will be honored for their work on the ASVAB legislation Help
raise funds for Afghan women. Raffle for a motorized bike! More info.

Senators Raskin, Harrington, and Lenett, and Delegates Manno, Montgomery, Hixson, Bobo, Hucker, and Ali

The 2010 Maryland General Assembly: What did it accomplish?

Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG), State Delegates, State
Senators, and Constituents April 25th, 2010 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Laurel Regional Hospital, J. Russell Jones Room
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

Discuss issues with Senators Raskin, Harrington, and Lenett, and
Delegates Manno, Montgomery, Hixson, Bobo, Hucker, and Ali (invited and

Where do your state legislators stand on key issues
including--Environment, Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government,
Healthcare Reform, Education, Gender Equality, Labor, Peace and Justice?

Learn what legislation passed, what legislation didn't make it to a
vote, and share your priorities for the next legislative session.

For more information, contact: 443 604 2298

Monday, April 19, 2010

Progressive Events--Van Hollen, Legislative Wrap Up, MORE!

Upcoming Progressive Events in Our Area featuring Van Hollen, MCPA Mtg,
Legislative Wrap Up, MORE!


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

1. The First Amnesty International Festival, April 23-25, 2010, in
downtown Silver Spring, MD.

2. Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM The 2010 General Assembly Session: What
did it accomplish? Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG) and
progressive Delegates, State Senators, and Constituents

3. Tuesday, April 27 7 PM Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic
Candidate for Congress from California

4. Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM Rep. Chris Van Hollen and Sanford
Gottlieb discuss and sign "Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and
Grassroots Politics"

5. Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM Progressive Alliance Meeting in
Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues

6. Saturday, May 8th Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX
Christi and the Social Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of


* Get Involved: support progressive candidates and issues. Become a
supporting member of the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA).

If you live in the Montgomery County Maryland area--or support our
efforts here--please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance.
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. We organize
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
progress in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland. We're gearing up
for an exciting, important election cycle this year. MCPA will endorse
candidates and launch issue campaigns to educate the general public. To
help us achieve everything we should, please support MCPA now. Contact to work with MCPA.

Become a supporting member of MCPA here:


1. The First Amnesty International Festival, April 23-25, Downtown
Silver Spring, MD. Schedule, information, etc.:


2. The 2010 General Assembly Session: What did it accomplish? Join the
Progressive Working Group (PWG) and progressive Delegates, State
Senators, and Constituents

Sunday, April 25th, 2 to 5 PM
Laurel Regional Hospital (J. Russell Jones Room)
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

RSVP online here:

Discuss issues with Senators Raskin, Harrington, and Lenett, and
Delegates Manno, Montgomery, Hixson, Bobo, Hucker, Ali (invited and

Where do your state legislators stand on key issues including: the
Environment, Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government,
Healthcare, Education, Labor, Gender Issues, Separation of Church and
State, Peace and Justice, and more. Share your legislative priorities
for the 2011 session.

For more information, please call: 443-604-2298


3. Meet Marcy Winograd, Progressive Democratic Candidate for Congress

Tuesday, April 27th, 7 PM
New Busboys and Poets 5th & K Sts. NW
1025 5th Street NW, DC 20001
3.5 blocks from the Convention Center metro (Green/Yellow line)

Marcy Winograd is a long-time activist for peace and social justice
running against corporate / Blue Dog incumbent Jane Harman (CA-36) in
the June 8 Democratic primary. Marcy wants to redirect our priorities
from war spending and corporate greed to job creation, world-class
education, health care, and energy independence through a Green New
Deal. While Jane Harman famously called herself "The Best Republican in
the Democratic Party," the Party named Marcy a "Democrat of the Year."
Come see why the San Francisco Chronicle named this one of seven
national races to watch.


4. Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Sanford Gottlieb discuss and sign
"Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics"

Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Sts. NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
2 blocks from U Street Cardozo Metro stop (Green Line)

Link to the webstore and book description:


5. Progressive Alliance Meeting in Wheaton--Mobilizing for progressive
candidates, events and issues

Tuesday, May 4th, 7:30 to 9 PM
Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
2 blocks from Wheaton Metro (Red Line)

Agenda: Mobilizing for progressive candidates, events and issues. We're
making progress in our county and state on Healthcare, Verifiable
Voting, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and
other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the
state and national level, planning special events, forming a steering
committee, and working on meetings with elected officials and other


6. Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi and the Social
Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of Rockville

Saturday May 8th 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Dr, Rockville, MD 20805,+Rockville+MD+20805
Public transportation:

Keynote speaker: Ray McGovern. Delegate Sheila Hixson and Senator Jamie
Raskin will be honored for their work on the ASVAB legislation Help
raise funds for Afghan women. Raffle for a motorized bike! More info.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Rep. Donna F. Edwards will host a town hall meeting

On Saturday, April 17, 2010 Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards will host a
town hall meeting to discuss issues and policies with constituents of
Maryland's 4th Congressional District.
When: Saturday, April 17, 2010
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Where: Lake Seneca Elementary School
13600 Wanegarden Drive
Germantown, MD 20874

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Upcoming Progressive Events

Upcoming Progressive Events:

Saturday, April 17: Sligo Creek clean-up with the Montgomery County
Democratic Central Committee See:

April 18th: All the Right Moves open chess-play See:

April 16, 17 & 18: the grand opening of The Green Commuter 7320 Carroll
Ave in Takoma Park See:

April 23-25: the huge Amnesty International Human Rights Art Festival in
Silver Spring See:

Sunday, April 25, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.: The 2010 General Assembly Session:
What did it accomplish?

Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG) and progressive Delegates,
State Senators, and Constituents

Laurel Regional Hospital (J. Russell Jones Room)
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

For more information, please contact: 443 604 2298

(above thanks to Sen. Jamie Raskin)


Save the Date:

Tuesday, April 27th: Meet and Support progressive Congressional
Candidate Marcy Winograd (CA-37) at Busboys and Poets. More details
t.b.a. See:


Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM: Sanford Gottlieb and Congressman
Chris Van Hollen discuss and sign Red to Blue: Congressman Chris Van
Hollen and Grassroots Politics

Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Streets NW, 2021 14th St NW DC
20009 - 2 blocks from the Metro Green Line - U St. / Cardozo stop


Saturday, May 8: Peace Luncheon of Peace Action Montgomery, PAX Christi
and the Social Justice Committee of the Universalist Church of
Rockville, where Delegate Sheila Hixson and Sen. Raskin will be honored
for their work on the ASVAB legislation See:

See Chris Van Hollen Thursday, April 29th

Sanford Gottlieb and Congressman Chris Van Hollen discuss and sign Red
to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics

Thursday, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Streets NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
Corner of 14th and V Street NW - 2 blocks from the Metro Green Line - U
Street Cardozo stop

Here is a link to the webstore and a book description:

The 2010 General Assembly Session: What did it accomplish?

The 2010 General Assembly Session: What did it accomplish?

Join the Progressive Working Group (PWG) and progressive Delegates,
State Senators, and Constituents
April 25th, 2010 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Laurel Regional Hospital (J. Russell Jones Room)
7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707

Where do your state legislators stand on key issues including: the
Environment, Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government, Healthcare
Reform, Education, Labor, Gender Issues, Separation of Church and State,
Peace and Justice, and more. Learn what legislation passed, and what
legislation didn't make it to a vote. Share your legislative priorities
for the 2011 session.

For more information, please contact: 443 604 2298

Amnesty International Festival April 23-25 Silver Spring

Please join my friend Karen Bradley (and many others) at the first
Amnesty International Festival, April 23-25, 2010, in downtown Silver
Spring, MD. Read more about the Festival:

Events that Karen is part of:

Saturday April 24:
11:30-1 pm Montgomery College PAC 203: theater for social transformation
(workshop: panel discussion)
Moderated by Washington Post theater critic Nelson Pressley, the panel
includes Michael Mack (actor), Catherine Filloux (playwright), Tara
Bracco (founder: Poetic People Power), Karen Bradley (University of
Maryland), Cindy Cooper (Words of Choice Theater), Tayla Ealom
(University of Colorado), will discuss using theater as a tool for
social transformation. (90 minutes) (Montgomery College PAC 203)

4:30-5:30 pm Jackie's: Fear-up (theater) participatory Fear Up: Stories
from Baghdad and Guantanamo Bay (Karen Bradley): An anti-war theater
piece, which includes a spontaneous reading involving the audience. (60
minutes) (Jackie's)

Sunday April 25:
4-5 pm Montgomery College Dance Recital Studio: Embodied Peacemaking
(workshop: movement) A movement class in which participants will engage
kinesthetically with their own empowerment to create change. Come
prepared to move and become more resilient! (60 minutes) (Montgomery
College Dance Recital Studio)

Sunday, April 04, 2010

SAVE THE DATE Sanford Gottlieb and Rep. Chris Van Hollen Book Signing

Sanford Gottlieb and Congressman Chris Van Hollen discuss and sign Red
to Blue: Congressman Chris Van Hollen and Grassroots Politics

Thursday, April 29th, 2010 7 to 8:30 PM
Original Busboys and Poets, 14th & V. Streets NW
2021 14th St NW DC 20009
Corner of 14th and V Street NW - 2 blocks from the Metro Green Line - U
Street Cardozo stop

Here is a link to the webstore and a book description: