Friday, May 28, 2010

See The Greening of Southie in DC June 7

What: The Greening of Southie, Green Building Film Screening, trailer:
When: June 7, 2010 Doors open 6:30pm, film starts at 7pm, followed by
panel discussion
Where: George Washington University, Duquès Hall (2201 G Street NW /
Washington, D.C. 20052)

RSVP: Free event, but must RSVP at or email with "film screening" in the subject line
Notes: The film is about 72 minutes.

Monday, May 24, 2010

NATIONAL CONFERENCE convened by Tikkun Magazine & the Network of Spiritual Progressive Conference

COME JOIN US  AT A NATIONAL CONFERENCE convened by Tikkun Magazine & the Network of Spiritual Progressive Conference – June 11-14th in Washington DC

* Overcoming the “fear and division industry” in our nation

* Proposed Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision

* Alternative economic solutions to empower local citizens to take charge of their economic lives

* Increasing diversity and tolerance both within the progressive community and throughout our nation

  on issues like race, religion and immigration.

* Leading the way toward Middle-East Peace

* Leading our nation with Progressive Values and addressing America’s Spiritual Crisis

*Promoting the Global Marshall Plan   


Tikkun Magazine and the Network of Spiritual Progressives Presents:


A Progressive Vision and Strategy for The Obama Years:

Overcoming Fear and Corporate Power while Building “The Caring Society”




Tikkun Magazine & The Network of Spiritual Progressives is convening a national conference bringing together both spiritual and secular progressives in a united effort to counteract the fear and division currently gripping our nation. Political rhetoric is not enough to move our country towards a positive future. Liberals and Progressives must offer an alternative vision during this time of crisis.   Come help build  “The Caring Society” during the Obama years where the values of peace, empathy, generosity, social justice, and ecological sanity provide a compelling challenge to the status quo of complicity, “inside-the-beltway” pragmatism, and corporate sponsored political gridlock.


Key Issues the Conference will address:


* Overcoming the “fear and division industry” in our nation

* Proposed Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision

* Alternative economic solutions to empower local citizens to take charge of their economic lives

* Increasing diversity and tolerance both within the progressive community and throughout our nation

  on issues like race, religion and immigration.

* Leading the way toward Middle-East Peace

* Leading our nation with Progressive Values and addressing America’s Spiritual Crisis

*Promoting the Global Marshall Plan   


Speakers Include:

Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Keith Ellison, Sister Joan Chittister, David Korten, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Rev. James Forbes, environmentalist Bill McKibben, Rev. Graylan Hagler, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, Jeremy Ben Ami of J Street, Marianne Williamson 

                        Conference Speakers                              Conference Agenda

Date: June 11-14th


Place: Lutheran Church of the Reformation

          212 East Capitol Street NE (Capitol Hill)

          Washington DC 20003


Co-Sponsors include: The Nation Magazine, Yes! Magazine, Peace Action, Progressive Democrats of America, Common Cause, Interfaith Alliance, Pace e Bene, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Code Pink, The Institute for Policy Studies, The Shalom Center, Democracy Matters, OpEdNews,The Backbone Campaign, United Religions Initiative, The Washington Peace Center,, Public Citizen, Center for Progressive Christianity, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light

For more information, or call 510-644-1200. Register now! You cannot afford to miss this opportunity.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

International Human & Peoples' Rights Law Program

Aloha Friends of Human Rights, Environment, Peace & Global Justice,

The Ninth Annual University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke
School of Law International Human & Peoples' Rights Law Program – Human
Rights on the Hill – in collaboration with the Hawaii Institute for
Human Rights and the Four Freedoms Forum, will take place from May 24 -
28, 2010.

To register, please go to

In our formative years, the course focused on reflection and education,
we aim to build on this balanced foundation evolving into realization
and engagement.

There is an opportunity to mobilize to realize human rights in the
United States of America and our partners for peace around the planet.
The course will allow participants to actively be agents of positive
social change in our country and the global civil society.

The summer seminar will focus on important international human rights
instruments. We will cover from ratification to realization in the lives
of all Americans and citizens of the world. The seminar combines keynote
addresses by international law professors as well as peace & policy
makers, panel presentations by NGOs and indigenous peoples, updates on
the latest developments at the United Nations Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues and the newly created UN Human Rights Council
including the Universal Periodic Review, documentary film premieres
daily during lunch and excursions of empowerment throughout the week
around Washington D.C.

The course will meet in UDC's Building 39 on the second floor in Room
205, 4200 Connecticut Ave, NW (Van Ness/UDC Metro) and will begin each
morning at 9 a.m. from Monday May 24 through Friday May 28. The
presentations will take place every 90 minutes starting at 9 a.m.
throughout the day concluding at 4:30 p.m. daily. Each day at noon,
there will be the sixth annual Human Rights Film Festival featuring
documentary movies on fundamental freedoms.

We hope you can participate as much as possible in the five day program.
A significant aspect of this advocacy course is participating actively
with the decision-makers in our democracy. Therefore, there will be
educational excursions of empowerment to complement the talks. For
latest schedules please email or

We also want to welcome you to invite your membership to be part of the
coalition aiming for ratification of treaties by the U.S. government and
also to organize better monitoring of US involvement in the UN human
rights mechanisms. We very much look forward to your participation in
this empowering endeavor and hopeful future action to create a culture
of peace and human rights.

As we are finalizing the schedule, it would be greatly appreciated if
you could let us know today if you are able to speak. Thank you.

Maluhia Me Ka Pono,

Joshua Cooper, Coordinator

International Human and Peoples' Rights Law Program

Register at

(Please feel free to forward this email)

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Donna Edwards on Political Pulse / Roger Manno and Mike Hersh on The Edge with Garland Nixon

Donna Edwards, Congresswoman for Maryland's 4th District will be on
Political Pulse with Charles Duffy on:

Thursday, May 6th at 9:00 p.m.
Friday-Sunday, May 7th-9th, at 6 p.m. and
Tuesday, May 11th, at 9:30 p.m.


State Senate Candidate Roger Manno and Mike Hersh will be on the Edge
with Garland Nixon Monday, May 10th at 7 PM


"Political Pulse" and The Edge" are on Montgomery Municipal Cable in
Montgomery County Channel 16 TV

2 Forums on Cleaning Up Politics This Week

Here are the details for the Rockville/Aspen Hill MD Event:
Aspen Hill Montgomery County Library
4407 Aspen Hill Road Rockville, MD 20853
Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 6:45 PM 
(changed from 6:30 to give people time to get there)

Here are the details for the Columbia, MD Event:
Columbia Central Library
10375 Little Patuxent Pkwy Columbia, MD
Saturday, May 8th, 2010 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Host your own Community Forum or sign up for an event near you:

Progressives learned a sobering lesson in 2009: even with President Obama and Democratic majorities in Congress, it's incredibly difficult to make change in Washington. Giant corporations and their lobbyists who profit from the status quo have doubled down in the wake of last year's election, and they have massive amounts of money available to fight progressive legislation and leaders. Already, these corporations are getting ready to spend whatever it takes to repeal the health care reform bill in the courts or by taking back the Congress. And recent court decisions such as Citizens United have made their job easier and ours harder.

What we have is people-power. Our emergency Community Forums will bring our communities together to make sure we have a shared understanding of the problem and discuss how we use progressive people-power to block this corporate power grab and save American democracy before it's too late.

More about the Columbia, MD event:  "We’ll be discussing strategies to take action against the corporate money grubbers and to restore democracy and a voice to the hard-working people who make our country great. Featured speakers include Maria Allwine, Co-Chair of Maryland Green Party and Margaret Flowers, a National Spokesperson for the Physicians for a National Health Program. This event is co-sponsored by: Howard County MoveOn, Howard County Friends of Latin America, Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland, Howard County Coalition for Peace and Justice, Common Cause of Maryland, Progressive Working Group in Maryland, HoCo Health Care Now E-mail: for additional info and to RSVP for the event. (RSVP is NOT necessary to attend)."


The DC Metro Social Forum invites you to: THE GREATER DC PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY
Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9:30AM-4:00PM
Plymouth Congregational UCC, 5301 North Capitol Street, NE. Fort Totten
Metro Station (green/red lines)

* Connect with people from across the region who are working for change,
* Share your struggle and vision,
* Help develop a people's agenda for a more just Greater DC in 2010.

Join us on May 15th to build a stronger movement for peace and justice.

Speakers will include:
*Joslyn Williams, President of the Metropolitan Washington Council AFL-CIO*
* Anise Jenkins, Stand Up for Democracy*
...and more.

Childcare available, please RSVP by May 7. Lunch provided. Suggested
donation $7.

For more information, to RSVP or sign on to the campaign check out



9:30-10:00: breakfast and registration

10:00-11:00: Panel Discussion, The State of Greater DC
—� Joslyn Williams, President Metropolitan Washington AFL-CIO
—� Anise Jenkins, Stand Up for Democracy

11:00-1:00pm Session Breakouts: Developing Our Priorities
—� Workers' rights
—� Housing
—� Immigrant rights
—� Public Services and the budget
—� Health care
—� Peace
—� Youth and education
—� Faith

1:00-1:45pm: Lunch

1:45-3:45pm: Session Reportback: Building a Collective Platform

Sonia Silbert

Washington Peace Center
1525 Newton St NW
Washington, DC 20010
ph. (202) 234-2000
fax. (202) 558-5685

Are you in the loop? We have an online calendar full of events for you!
Sign up for weekly Activist Alert emails so you know what's happening in
progressive DC!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Meeting With State Senate Candidate Roger Manno Tues. May 4th

Meeting With State Senate Candidate Roger Manno Tues. May 4th

Join State Senate candidate Roger Manno at our meeting, tomorrow night
Tuesday May 4th. A former staffer for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and other
members of Congress, Delegate Manno served in the Maryland legislature
for the past 4 years. He's worked on healthcare, labor, environmental,
seniors', education, reproductive choice and several other issues on the
state and federal level. He was picked for the White House Healthcare
working group.

A representative from Tikkun Magazine will join us discussing positive
ideas and programs for an economy and society that more fully embodies
our highest values, including the upcoming progressive conference in D.C.

When: Tuesday, May 4, 2010 7:30 PM

Where: Saigonese Restaurant, 11232 Grandview Ave
Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
Public Transportation: Short walk from Wheaton Metro (red line)
Google Map/ Directions:


Join Roger Manno for his Official Campaign Kick-off 3:30-4:30 PM Sunday,
May 16th
Sole D'Italia Restaurant
14324 Layhill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906.
Public Transportation: Short bus ride (RideOn 49) from Glenmont Station
(Red Line)

MoveOn mtg Aspen Hill library Campaign Finance Reform Wednesday, May 5

MoveOn Rockville Community Forum: Make Democracy Work for the Rest of Us!

Big corporations have stood in the way of the changes we need on Wall
Street reform, health care, clean energy, and more. We're meeting up to
discuss how we make Washington work for the 98% of us who don't have
big-time lobbyists representing us in DC. Here are the event details:

What: MoveOn members are meeting up at a community forum, Aspen Hill
Montgomery County Library (in Rockville) Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at 6:30
PM to talk about how our democracy is being overrun by lobbyists and big
corporations—and what we can do about it.