Monday, August 31, 2009

American Townhall on Health Care

From Pam Rasmussen

I heard about the healthcare town hall meeting/debate at today's PDA
picnic and promised I would help spread the word. Read the paragraph,
then follow the link for more info.

AmericanTownhalls is a citizen-led initiative to improve the quality of
townhall meetings across the United States.

Our first event, the American Townhall on Health Care will take place on
Saturday, September 12th, 2009. It will be a decentralized townhall
where we'll dig past the sound bytes and document what Americans think
about health care, including our frustrations, hopes, and concerns.

This event will demonstrate that it is possible to have a productive
conversation in what seems to be a highly partisan political climate on
the surface.

People often leave townhall meetings frustrated and angry because they
feel like they are not being heard. Townhall meetings--if held the right
way--can be vital to our democracy; we're going to explore ways to make
them better, and we can use your help. Your advice, criticism, and
enthusiastic participation are welcome!

Below is a Web site for a massing rally AGAINST healthcare reform
planned for the same day!


Silver Spring can't afford to wait for health care! Join our vigil

Silver Spring can't afford to wait for health care! Join our vigil

Candelight vigil

Hosts: Rosie Engman and Stan Boyd

Where: Georgia Ave. and Spring St. (in Silver Spring)

When: Wednesday at 7:30 PM

What: We'll open with moving words from Senator Ted Kennedy, who called this fight "the cause of my life." Then we'll read the names and hear the stories of people struggling with the current health care system.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

TODAY! August 30, 2009 2:00 PM Progressive Picnic

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

When: TODAY! August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $15.00 online before Noon, $20 at the door
Walk-up welcome! Don't miss this fun, important event! Share with your

Weather Report looks good for today. We've reserved a shelter--we'll be
there rain or shine.

Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter G
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro station.

Hot Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Veggie Dogs, Condiments & MORE Provided.

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

Please bring folding tables and chairs, coolers and ice!

Come early! 2 PM Sharp Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and
sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming
a More Perfect Union. This is the first stop on his national book tour!

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom
Hucker, Saqib Ali, Al Carr*, and Karen Montgomery; Council Members Duchy
Trachtenberg and Marc Elrich; Activists Dana Beyer and Eric Luedtke; and
surprise guests will discuss the future of progressive politics in
Maryland. (*schedule permitting). County Executive Ike Leggett plans to
appear and chat with picnic attendees!

Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: Progressive Working Group, The
Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, Equality
Maryland, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats
of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County, Montgomery Health Care
Action, and Progressive Maryland.

Potluck dish and drinks: Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10
If your last name begins with:
A-F please bring salad / side dish * G-L please bring a dessert
M-R please bring water * S-Z please bring soft drinks

* SAVE $5: Discount for registration before Noon, covers cost of venue,
food, etc.
* $15 per person reservation before Noon, $20 at the door.

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and
we're committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand
our scope and effectiveness during the rest of '09 and building into the
2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia
Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn
right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach
the parking area. Shelter G is very close to the parking area.

Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro station.

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

Saturday, August 29, 2009

TOMORROW! Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

When: TOMORROW! August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 at the door
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “G”
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro station.

To RSVP or for more info. email:
Hot Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Veggie Dogs & Condiments Provided.
Please RSVP and pre-pay so we’ll have enough food for you!

Please bring folding tables and chairs, as well as coolers and ice!

We've reserved a shelter--we'll be there rain or shine.

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, Saqib Ali, Al Carr*, and Karen Montgomery; Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg and Marc Elrich; Activists Dana Beyer and Eric Luedtke; and surprise guests will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting).

Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: Progressive Working Group, The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, Equality Maryland, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County, Montgomery Health Care Action, and Progressive Maryland

More cosponsors welcome. Contact to cosponsor.

Potluck dish and drinks: Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10 people.
If your last name begins with:

A-F please bring salad / side dish * G-L please bring a dessert
M-R please bring water * S-Z please bring soft drinks

* SAVE $5: Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation) required to RSVP.

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter “G” is very close to the parking area.

Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro station.

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

Friday, August 28, 2009

Re: Items needed for Progressive Picnic

We still need coolers and ice for the picnic. Please bring a bag of ice
or two, and a cooler or two if you can. We also need folding tables and

Email me to let me know if you can bring these items.

Thanks and see (most of) you on Sunday!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Progressive Picnic THIS SUNDAY! August 30

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!
please tell your friends, share this with your email lists

When: THIS SUNDAY! August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 at the door
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “G”
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro station.

RSVP, for info. or to pay by check, email:
Hot Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Veggie Dogs & Condiments Provided.
Please RSVP and pre-pay so we’ll have enough food for you!

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, Ana Sol Gutierrez, Saqib Ali, Al Carr*, and Karen Montgomery; Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg* and Marc Elrich; Activists Dana Beyer and Eric Luedtke; and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union. Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: Progressive Working Group, The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, Equality Maryland, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County, Montgomery Health Care ActionMore cosponsors welcome. Contact to cosponsor.

Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10 people.
If your last name begins with:

A-F please bring salad / side dish * G-L please bring a dessert
M-R please bring water * S-Z please bring soft drinks

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! (More information TBA)
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation) required to RSVP.

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter “G” is very close to the parking area.

Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro station.

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

Monday, August 24, 2009

Congresswoman Edwards town hall Tuesday, August 25

Congresswoman Edwards will hold a community town hall meeting this Tuesday, August 25, on health care reform and other issues.  This will be a great opportunity to learn more about health care reform legislation being discussed in Congress.
When:    Tuesday, August 25, 2009
              6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where:    Plum Gar Community Center (Gymnasium)
              19561 Scenery Drive
              Germantown, MD 20874
For additional information, call 202-225-8699.

Public transportation:
Arrive at FREDERICK RD & SCENERY DR at 5:51pm, walk 2 blocks
NE to 19561 SCENERY DR.

Vigil for Healthcare Weds, Sept 2nd, 5 PM

Vigil for Healthcare Weds, Sept 2nd, 5 PM
Georgia Ave. and Spring St.

This is a corner with lots of traffic. There is parking on the street and a nearby garage. One corner has a park where Children and dogs can play. It has been used very effectively for vigils before.

Message from host: Come join us and bring your children and dogs and candles.

Status: Public, open for RSVP, 2 attendees (max. 300)
Address:    Georgia Ave and Spring St. (Map)
    Silver Spring, MD 20901

Directions: The park is on the corner of First St. and Georgia Ave. There is street parking and a garage a block away. It is on a major bus route and about three blocks from downtown Silver Spring.

Best way to contact host:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Congresswoman Edwards Tuesday, August 25

Congresswoman Edwards will hold a community town hall meeting this Tuesday, August 25, on health care reform and other issues.  This will be a great opportunity to learn more about health care reform legislation being discussed in Congress.
When:    Tuesday, August 25, 2009
              6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where:    Plum Gar Community Center (Gymnasium)
              19561 Scenery Drive
              Germantown, MD 20874
For additional information, call 202-225-8699.

Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!
(Please attend and share this notice with your lists!)

When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 at the door
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “G”
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Public transportation: take Y5 or Y 9 Bus from Wheaton Metro

Email to RSVP, for more information, or to pre-pay by check.

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, Ana Sol Gutierrez, Saqib Ali, Al Carr*, and Karen Montgomery; Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg*, and Marc Elrich; Activists Dana Beyer and Eric Luedtke; and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union. Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, Equality Maryland, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County, Montgomery Health Care Action

More cosponsors welcome. Contact to cosponsor.

Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10 people.
If your last name begins with:

A-F please bring salad / side dish * G-L please bring a dessert
M-R please bring water * S-Z please bring soft drinks

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! (More information TBA)
* $15 per person suggested donation ($20 donation at the door)

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter “G” is very close to the parking area.

Public transportation: take Y5 or Y 9 Bus from Wheaton Metro stop.

Google Map: 2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sun Aug 30th: Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!
(Please attend and share this notice with your lists!)

When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 at the door
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “G”
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Public transportation: take Y5 or Y 9 Bus from Wheaton Metro

Email to RSVP, for more information, or to pre-pay by check.

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, Ana Sol Gutierrez, Saqib Ali, Al Carr*, and Karen Montgomery; Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg*, and Marc Elrich; Activists Dana Beyer and Eric Luedtke; and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union. Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, Equality Maryland, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County, Montgomery Health Care Action

More cosponsors welcome. Contact to cosponsor.

Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10 people.
If your last name begins with:

A-F please bring salad / side dish * G-L please bring a dessert
M-R please bring water * S-Z please bring soft drinks

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! (More information TBA)
* $15 per person suggested donation ($20 donation at the door)

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter “G” is very close to the parking area.

Public transportation: take Y5 or Y 9 Bus from Wheaton Metro stop.

Google Map: 2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

on Pacifica radio WPFW 89.3FM tomorrow morning 10:30 am

Looks like I'll be on Pacifica radio WPFW 89.3FM tomorrow morning 10:30
am talking about the Whole Foods boycott. Probably debating an
anti-boycott person. Wish me luck!

Why Boycott Whole Foods?

Why Boycott Whole Foods?
by Mike Hersh

John Mackey, CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on 8/12/2009 quoting Margaret Thatcher and suggesting that all we have to do to fix the health care crisis is eat healthy and let insurance companies do whatever they want. No health reform needed. From the beginning, Mr. Mackey's Op-Ed was insulting and over-simplistic. It led off with this quotation:  "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out  of other people's money," attributed to Margaret Thatcher. This is ironic, because Thatcher undermined the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom by slashing funding for it. She also sought to impose poll taxes--charging people to vote--to suppress voting by poor and working people! Her misguided rightwing policies were so unpopular, she was about to lose her job as Prime Minister when she stumbled into a conflict with Argentina over some tiny islands and rallied nationalistic fervor. see :

Of course throwing around labels like "socialism" begs the question. If Mr. Mackey and like-minded opponents of health reform think modern government is socialism, then why aren't they fighting to abolish Medicare, or Social Security for that matter? They can't because it's political suicide, but Republican icon Ronald Reagan argued that Medicare would lead to tyranny. If successful, this boycott will mean Mr. Mr. Mackey cannot use "other people's money," namely our money to promote his extreme philosophy. Mr.Mackey also strongly opposes unions, and forced his employees into a high-deductible, low cost (to Whole Foods) health insurance plan. These actions reveal his real intentions for the rest of us. He's free to do that, but we're free to avoid enriching him and supporting his right wing ideology.

It gets worse. Mr. Mackey contributed money (again, earned from our pockets) to Tom DeLay's campaigns and legal defense fund. DeLay--before he became a "Dancing with the Stars" dancer--waged war against progress, and resigned under indictment for several crimes. These days, DeLay regularly attacks health reform as government interference in families' health decisions. Sadly this principle didn't stop Mr. DeLay from overriding the final wishes of Terri Schiavo or her husband Michael, and involving the Congress directly in their family's health decisions. By backing Tom DeLay's hypocrisy with his money, Mr. Mackey has forfeited his chance to grab any more of my money. Whole Foods should fire Mr. Mackey, and respect their customers. Until then, we should stay away from Whole Foods.

John Mr. Mackey is entitled to his libertarian views, but we're entitled not to support these views with our grocery dollars. Libertarianism is an extreme point of view that opposes any government role in protecting civil rights, ameliorating poverty, preventing disease, maintaining roads or bridges. No child labor laws. No pure food and drug laws. No public education. No workplace or environmental protection. Just prisons, police, and the military. I believe most people behave responsibly most of the time, but those who don't endanger the rest. That's why we have speed limits and traffic lights. To prevent chaos and mayhem. Before labor laws, bosses locked their employees into sweatshops and paid them pennies per day. We saw what happened before the EPA: rivers caught fire and big cities were shrouded in smog.

If that's too long ago, consider the Bush Administration's bright idea of putting Wall Street swindlers on the honor system and watching as the whole economy collapsed. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan--another libertarian--admitted he "made a mistake" by putting too much faith in "free markets." Chagrined by the catastrophe on his watch, Mr. Greenspan admitted there is "a flaw in the model ... that defines how the world works" and "a critical pillar to market competition and free markets did break down ... I still do not fully understand why it happened."

Well I understand why it happened. You can't rely on the honor system. Apparently Mr. Mackey hasn't learned this lesson. He thinks we should put health insurance companies on the same honor system that Wall Street swindlers abused. The threadbare, minimalist government libertarians advocate worked while the U.S. was a rural, agricultural nation, but modern life requires modern government. To prevent swindlers and predators from exploiting the rest of us, and to facilitate basic survivable behavior. Almost everyone accepts this. Libertarians refuse to face these facts, Mr. Mackey among them.
Once again, he's free to pontificate any way he wants, but not on my dime. If you care about progress, don't let him do it on your dime either.


What happens to innocent employees injured by a boycott?  People will shop elsewhere, and those places will hire more employees. A boycott isn't going to put Whole Foods out of business, but every boycott entails risks of economic consequences for employees. What happened to the employees of the Montgomery Bus system when Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat sparked a boycott? I'm not sure, but do we regret that boycott? In any case, we hope Whole Foods will fire Mr. Mackey, quickly and get a CEO who is more tolerant if not supportive of progress.

What about freedom of speech and toleration? There's no threat to free speech here. No one is asking the government to muzzle anyone. No one is demanding the Wall Street Journal shut down, and no one is telling Mr. Mackey he cannot express himself--even express his own intolerance. As Mr. Mackey himself wrote in his Op-Ed, "every American adult is responsible for his or her own health." I don't believe that we're all islands, and should be left to fend for ourselves, but I am holding him responsible for his own words. As for tolerance, unlike Republican opponents of needed health reform, we're not showing up and screaming at people or disrupting discussions. We're just making our arguments. Mr. Mackey's fellow libertarian John Stossel of ABC News' "20/20" said, "Perhaps what the 'natural' food nuts really hate is that Mr. Mackey is rich. They don't like profit." Why should we support someone whose defender thinks we're "nuts?" Mr. Stossel's reductio ad ridiculum argument is typical of simplistic "debate," and in that regard not much different from the disingenuous Op-Ed Mr. Mackey wrote for the Wall Street Journal in the first place.

Didn't Mr. Mackey actually try to offer constructive suggestions? Actually no. His suggestions range from self-serving (such as shop at his stores) to deceptive. I agree with eating healthy, but that's no answer for millions of Americans who can't get insurance or can't get their insurance to pay for needed care. The suggestion that "tort reform" will help lower health insurance costs is repudiated by every experience or study--pure propaganda like the rest of Mr. Mackey's "solutions." What is really bloating health care costs? Let's stick to the facts. For example, the CEOs of big insurance companies pay themselves nearly a million dollars a month! Rather than face up to this root cause of the health care crisis--greed and abuse of insurance executives--Mr. Mackey tries to mislead us. From his Op-Ed: "830,000 Canadians are currently waiting to be admitted to a hospital or to get treatment, according to a report last month in Investor's Business Daily." Wow! that sounds pretty scary! What he doesn't tell us is how long they have to wait. A day? A week? We can't tell from this Op-Ed. We do know that the situation in the U.S. is much worse. And that Canadians overwhelmingly support their health system. And  that the "ObamaCare" under attack is not a clone of the Canadian system anyway.

We also know that Investor's Business Daily is a far right publication, hardly an unbiased source. But for the sake of argument, let's accept that scary number, 830,000 and multiply it by 60. That would barely approach the nearly 50 million Americans who have no health coverage at all, and can't even get in line to wait for treatment! Then, add the nearly equal number of under-insured who also cannot get the care they need. And add the millions more who have insurance, but due to high deductibles and lifetime limits, end up bankrupt when they or their family-member gets sick. The American Journal of Medicine reported that 62% of bankruptcy in America was caused by medical bills--and 75% of those families had health insurance. Meanwhile, health insurance company profits are sky-rocketing. They're making more money year after year by increasing premiums, raising copays and deductibles, and denying coverage. How do they get away with it? We have no choice. Thanks to a federal law called ERISA they're exempt from laws that promote competition in other industries. No wonder they're pulling out all stops to prevent any meaningful healthcare reform. This is happening now, and puts the lie to Mr. Mackey's claims that letting insurance companies do whatever they want would make things better for the American people.

To paraphrase Mr. Reagan, health insurance companies aren't the solution, they're the problem. We don't need libertarian Republican rhetoric about "empowering" individuals--which is just fancy talk for letting corporations do whatever they want including monopolize markets, exploit employees and bamboozle consumers. We need real health reform. Preferably single payer a.k.a expanded, improved Medicare for All. Anyone who opposes that should explain why they're not also opposing Medicare for our seniors--and if they're in Congress they should explain why "gubmint run healthcare" is good enough for them and their family. Back to Mr. Mackey and his efforts to trick people into accepting second-class health care or no care at all, his union-busting and arcane notions of what we need from government: Until Whole Foods fires him we should spend our money elsewhere. Boycott Whole Foods, and call or visit your local Whole Foods store to tell the manager about it. Also inform the Whole Foods's World HQ:

Whole Foods Market, Inc.
550 Bowie Street
Austin, TX 78703-4644
512.477.5566 voicemail
512.482.7000 fax

Upcoming Events in Mont. County

1. Healthcare Town Hall Sunday, August 23, 2-4 pm
2. "A Community of Gardeners" Documentary Thursday, August 27 6:30 PM
3. Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County Sunday August 30, 2:00 PM


Town Hall Meeting: Sorting Out Health Care Reform Sunday, August 23, 2-4 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Drive, Rockville Maryland
With Dr. Deborah Schumann, Health Care Reform Analyst

Get answers to your health care reform questions: What in the world is
going on in Congress? How do the various proposals differ? "Public plan"
and "public option"'? How will the proposals affect me? What can I do to
affect the final legislation?"

Side-by-side comparisons of the plans. Talking points for letters you
can write. Names and addresses of your legislators.

This Town Hall is one of a number held during August throughout Maryland
to encourage voters to contact their U.S. representatives before
Congress resumes its work in September.


"A Community of Gardeners" Documentary Thursday, August 27 6:30 PM
The Letelier Theater is located in Georgetown
3251 Prospect Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

Join filmmaker Cintia Cabib and the Neighborhood Farm Initiative for a
special 30-minute work-in-progress screening of the documentary "A
Community of Gardeners" at the Letelier Theater in Washington, D.C. "A
Community of Gardeners" explores the vital role of seven urban community
gardens in Washington, D.C., not only as sources of fresh, nutritious
food, but as outdoor classrooms, places of healing, centers of social
interaction, and oases of beauty and calm in inner-city neighborhoods.

The event will feature local light fare, drinks, and live music
beginning at 6:30 p.m. The screening will begin at 7:30 p.m. "A
Community of Gardeners" will be preceded by the short film "Food
Justice: A Growing Movement." There will be a filmmaker Q & A with
Cintia Cabib after the screening.

Tickets are $15, with a small surcharge for online sales. Details and
pre-sale tickets are available online at:

Cash or check will be accepted at the door, if seats are still available.


Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County Sunday August 30, 2:00 PM

Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter "G"
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
RSVP/Discounted Suggested Donation $15 now, $20 at the door

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom
Hucker, Ana Sol Gutierrez, and Saqib Ali; Council Members Duchy
Trachtenberg* and Marc Elrich, Equality and Healthcare Activists Dana
Beyer and Eric Luedtke, and other speakers will discuss the future of
progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting).
Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book
Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive
Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU,
Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County. More
cosponsors welcome.

Contact with any questions or to pay by check.

* RSVP/Discounted Suggested Donation $15, covers cost of venue, food,
etc. $20 Later:
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! See

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and
we're committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand
our scope and effectiveness during the rest of '09 and building into the
2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia
Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn
right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach
the parking area. Shelter "G" is very close to the parking area. Google map

Monday, August 17, 2009

Town Hall Meeting: Sorting Out Health Care Reform

Town Hall Meeting: Sorting Out Health Care Reform
Sunday, August 23, 2-4 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
100 Welsh Park Drive, Rockville Maryland
With Dr. Deborah Schumann, Health Care Reform Analyst

Get answers to your health care reform questions:
What in the world is going on in Congress?
How do the various proposals differ?
"Public plan" and "public option"'?
How will the proposals affect me?
What can I do to affect the final legislation?"

Side-by-side comparisons of the plans
Talking points for letters you can write
Names and addresses of your legislators

This Town Hall is one of a number held during August throughout Maryland
to encourage voters to contact their U.S. representatives before
Congress resumes its work in September.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Boycott Right Wing Grocery

Whole Foods is NOT a company that cares for communities and they have
built their brand with the dollars of deceived progressives. No more.
Whole Foods' anti-union, anti-health reform, right-wing activities do
not deserve our support.

John Mackey, CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods wrote an op-ed in the
Wall Street Journal on 8/12/2009 quoting Margaret Thatcher and
suggesting that healthcare is a commodity that only the rich, like him,
deserve. (see below) He's contributed money made from us to Tom DeLay's
campaigns and legal defense fund.

This boycott is gaining strength. Vote with your wallet! We have choices
NOT CEOed by an anti-healthcare right wing fanatic. Most places have
co-ops. Support farmers' markets. My Organic Market is 100% wind powered
and has great offerings. We have a moral obligation not to support right
wing businesses. Whole Foods has the right to be as hateful and selfish
as they wanna be. We also have the right to starve them of our
hard-earned money.

NYC Meetup:
Austin Boycott Meetup Sunday, Aug 16:

If you are planning to spend your hard-earned progressive $ elsewhere,
please call or visit your local store to let the manager know WHY.

You can also call or email national HQ if you'd like:

World Headquarters
Whole Foods Market, Inc.
550 Bowie Street
Austin, TX 78703-4644
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Friday, August 14, 2009

filmmaker Cintia Cabib and the Neighborhood Farm Initiative

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Please join filmmaker Cintia Cabib and the Neighborhood Farm
Initiative on Thursday evening, August 27, for a special 30-minute
work-in-progress screening of the documentary "A Community of
Gardeners" at the Letelier Theater in Washington, D.C. "A Community of
Gardeners" explores the vital role of seven urban community gardens in
Washington, D.C., not only as sources of fresh, nutritious food, but
as outdoor classrooms, places of healing, centers of social
interaction, and oases of beauty and calm in inner-city neighborhoods.

The event will feature local light fare, drinks, and live music
beginning at 6:30 p.m. The screening will begin at 7:30 p.m. "A
Community of Gardeners" will be preceded by the short film "Food
Justice: A Growing Movement." There will be a filmmaker Q & A with
Cintia Cabib after the screening.

Tickets are $15, with a small surcharge for online sales. Details and
presale tickets are available online at
Cash or check will be accepted at the door, if seats are still
available. The Letelier Theater is located in Georgetown at 3251
Prospect Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. For directions and parking
information, visit

Proceeds benefit programming of the Neighborhood Farm Initiative and
the production of "A Community of Gardeners." Visit the Neighborhood
Farm Initiative at
and learn more about "A Community of Gardeners" at

The screening is part of the Local Food Film Series, a program of the
Local Food Project at Airlie.

Best regards,
Cintia Cabib

Cintia Cabib Video Productions
Documentaries and Educational Videos

Smart TV, Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County

Smart TV: Tune in to cable channel 16 in Montgomery County (both Verizon
and Comcast) Mondays and Wednesdays at 7 PM to watch my friend Garland
Nixon's TV show. Next week's show will be on conspiracy theories and the
Birthers, with Dr Peter Starr. The following week will be my good friend
Delegate Roger Manno talking Healthcare Reform.

Don't forget our Progressive Picnic 2 PM August 30th in Wheaton Regional
Park. More details:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

 When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
 Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter "G"

  2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
  RSVP/Discounted Donation $15 now, $20 at the door

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*; Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, Ana Sol Gutierrez, and Saqib Ali; Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg and Marc Elrich, Equality and Healthcare Activists Dana Beyer and Eric Luedtke, and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County. More cosponsors welcome.

 Contact with any questions.

* RSVP/Discounted Donation $15, covers cost of venue, food, etc. $20 Later
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! See
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation) required to RSVP.
Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we're committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of '09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter "G" is very close to the parking area. Google map

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Progressive Picnic in Wheaton Aug 30th

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!
More information:

When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 later
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “G”
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*, Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, and Ana Sol Gutierrez, Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg and Marc Elrich, Equality and Healthcare Activist Dana Beyer, and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, PeaceAction Montgomery, ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland/America, Democracy for Montgomery County

More cosponsors welcome.

Contact with any questions.

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! (More information TBA)
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation) required to RSVP.

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter “G” is very close to the parking area.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County Aug 30th

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 later
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “G”
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*, Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, and Ana Sol Gutierrez, Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg and Marc Elrich, Equality and Healthcare Activist Dana Beyer, and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County

More cosponsors welcome.

Contact with any questions.

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! (More information TBA)
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation) required to RSVP.

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter “G” is very close to the parking area.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

Join us for the Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County!

When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 later
Where: Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter "G"
2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*, Delegates Roger Manno, Tom
Hucker, and Ana Sol Gutierrez, Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg and
Marc Elrich, Equality and Healthcare Activist Dana Beyer, and other
speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland.
(*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and
sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming
a More Perfect Union. Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move
Maryland forward.

Charcoal, Condiments, Hot Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers & Veggie Dogs
Please RSVP and pre-pay so we'll have enough food for everyone!

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive
Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU,
Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County. More
cosponsors welcome. Contact to cosponsor!

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation)
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated!

Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10 people:
If your last name begins with:
A-F please bring salad / side dish
G-L please bring a dessert
M-R please bring water
S-Z please bring soft drinks

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and
we're committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand
our scope and effectiveness during the rest of '09 and building into the
2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia
Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn
right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach
the parking area. Shelter "G" is very close to the parking area.

Google Map:,+Wheaton,+MD+20902

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Progressive Picnic/Accountability for Illegal Wars and War Crimes Accountable

Upcoming Events in Maryland:
1. Holding Architects of Illegal Wars and War Crimes Accountable Friday, August 7th, 8:30 - 10 a.m.
2. Progressive Picnic in Wheaton, Maryland, Sunday August 30th, 2:00 PM
+ Support Progress in Maryland


1. Holding Architects of Illegal Wars and War Crimes Accountable
At the Veterans for Peace National Convention
 Friday, August 7th, 8:30 - 10 a.m.
In the Student Union, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

SPEAKERS: David Swanson is the author of the upcoming book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union by Seven Stories Press. / Ron Fisher, Captain US Navy (retired), Acting Chair VFP Prosecute War Criminals Working Group and nuclear submariner and part time prosecutor for courts-martial while in the Navy. /  Barbara Olshansky, Visiting Associate Professor of Human Rights, Stanford Law School. /  Marjorie Cohn, President, National Lawyers Guild and author of Rules of Disengagement:  The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent /  Andrew Kreig, Attorney, author and journalist /  Isidoro Rodriguez, Attorney and Marine Veteran Saigon Class of '65. Please join us.  For more info contact Ron Fisher 703-725-7849


2. Progressive Picnic in Wheaton, Maryland
Where: 2000 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Picnic Shelter “G” -- close to the parking area
When: Sunday August 30, 2009 2:00 PM
Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 later
(covers venue, food, charcoal, etc.)

State Senators Jamie Raskin and Paul Pinsky*, Delegates Roger Manno, Tom Hucker, and Ana Sol Gutierrez, Council Members Duchy Trachtenberg and Marc Elrich, Equality and Healthcare Activist Dana Beyer, and other speakers will discuss the future of progressive politics in Maryland. (*schedule permitting). Activist/Author David Swanson will discuss and sign his new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union. Join us! We need your voice and ideas to move Maryland forward.

Cosponsoring organizations include: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Neighbors, PeaceAction Montgomery, Maryland ACLU, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County.

More cosponsors welcome. Contact with any questions

Maryland could be among the most progressive states in the USA, and we’re committing ourselves to make it so. We have big plans to expand our scope and effectiveness during the rest of ‘09 and building into the 2010 election season. This will be a fun and empowering event!

* Discount for early registration, covers cost of venue, food, etc.
* Potluck dish and drinks to share appreciated! (More information TBA)
* $15 per person pre-reservation ($20 regular donation) to RSVP.
* Please contact me at with any questions.

Directions: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Shelter "G" is very close to the parking area.


+ Support Progress in Maryland

The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MCPA) is working to make a real difference on issues that matter to you. Join us August 30th in at the Wheaton Regional Park. If you can't make it, please contribute what you can.

Support our efforts on your behalf, please contribute what you can online here.
We're asking $15 per person to pre-register for the picnic. You can enter any amount as a donation.

MCPA is a results-oriented coalition, including more than 1,000 local activists, mainly in and around Montgomery County, Maryland. The organization began in 2003 when Democracy for America Meetup members reached out to other Meetup groups and other groups. Montgomery County for Kerry members and local Progressive Democrats of America members joined the MCPA, which has held meetings nearly each month since 2003.

MCPA members work to elect progressives to office, organize special events including debates and public issue forums, and lead issue advocacy efforts in Rockville, Annapolis, and on Capitol Hill. We cooperate with other organizations and coalitions to make progress in our communities, state, and nationally. Moving into the rest of 2009 and building toward 2010, MCPA plans to expand our organization, raise funds, and advance our public education, coalition building and outreach efforts. Help us now! Contribute what you can.

We promote progressive solutions to achieve a better, more fair and sustainable society. We focus mainly on issues and events in Montgomery County, Maryland, and the National Capitol region. We advance equal and civil rights, clean and safe communities, high quality health care and education, verified voting, secure retirement, freedom, fairness and opportunity for all. We founded the MCPA to make a positive difference on local, state, national and global issues. We support progressive candidates and promote fair election and campaign practices to empower people and ensure meaningful participation.

If you share these goals, please contribute what you can to support our ongoing efforts on your behalf.

We're asking $15 to pre-register for the August 30th picnic, but you can enter any amount as a donation.

Join our google group here.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Daily Kos: health care rally and other activities

I wrote an article about last week's health care rally and other
activities for the Daily Kos. Please tell all your friends to read and
recommend it. Unless people do that, the article will drift off the
front page and few people will see it. Here's the link:,-Get-to-Work

