Monday, August 31, 2009

American Townhall on Health Care

From Pam Rasmussen

I heard about the healthcare town hall meeting/debate at today's PDA
picnic and promised I would help spread the word. Read the paragraph,
then follow the link for more info.

AmericanTownhalls is a citizen-led initiative to improve the quality of
townhall meetings across the United States.

Our first event, the American Townhall on Health Care will take place on
Saturday, September 12th, 2009. It will be a decentralized townhall
where we'll dig past the sound bytes and document what Americans think
about health care, including our frustrations, hopes, and concerns.

This event will demonstrate that it is possible to have a productive
conversation in what seems to be a highly partisan political climate on
the surface.

People often leave townhall meetings frustrated and angry because they
feel like they are not being heard. Townhall meetings--if held the right
way--can be vital to our democracy; we're going to explore ways to make
them better, and we can use your help. Your advice, criticism, and
enthusiastic participation are welcome!

Below is a Web site for a massing rally AGAINST healthcare reform
planned for the same day!


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