COME JOIN US AT A NATIONAL CONFERENCE convened by Tikkun Magazine & the Network of Spiritual Progressive Conference – June 11-14th in Washington DC
* Overcoming the “fear and division industry” in our nation
* Proposed Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision
* Alternative economic solutions to empower local citizens to take charge of their economic lives
* Increasing diversity and tolerance both within the progressive community and throughout our nation
on issues like race, religion and immigration.
* Leading the way toward Middle-East Peace
* Leading our nation with Progressive Values and addressing America’s Spiritual Crisis
*Promoting the Global Marshall Plan
Tikkun Magazine and the Network of Spiritual Progressives Presents:
A Progressive Vision and Strategy for The Obama Years:
Overcoming Fear and Corporate Power while Building “The Caring Society”
Tikkun Magazine & The Network of Spiritual Progressives is convening a national conference bringing together both spiritual and secular progressives in a united effort to counteract the fear and division currently gripping our nation. Political rhetoric is not enough to move our country towards a positive future. Liberals and Progressives must offer an alternative vision during this time of crisis. Come help build “The Caring Society” during the Obama years where the values of peace, empathy, generosity, social justice, and ecological sanity provide a compelling challenge to the status quo of complicity, “inside-the-beltway” pragmatism, and corporate sponsored political gridlock.
Key Issues the Conference will address:
* Overcoming the “fear and division industry” in our nation
* Proposed Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision
* Alternative economic solutions to empower local citizens to take charge of their economic lives
* Increasing diversity and tolerance both within the progressive community and throughout our nation
on issues like race, religion and immigration.
* Leading the way toward Middle-East Peace
* Leading our nation with Progressive Values and addressing America’s Spiritual Crisis
*Promoting the Global Marshall Plan
Speakers Include:
Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Keith Ellison, Sister Joan Chittister, David Korten, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Rev. James Forbes, environmentalist Bill McKibben, Rev. Graylan Hagler, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, Jeremy Ben Ami of J Street, Marianne Williamson
Conference Speakers Conference Agenda
Date: June 11-14th
Place: Lutheran Church of the Reformation
212 East Capitol Street NE (Capitol Hill)
Washington DC 20003
Co-Sponsors include: The Nation Magazine, Yes! Magazine, Peace Action, Progressive Democrats of America, Common Cause, Interfaith Alliance, Pace e Bene, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Code Pink, The Institute for Policy Studies, The Shalom Center, Democracy Matters, OpEdNews,The Backbone Campaign, United Religions Initiative, The Washington Peace Center,, Public Citizen, Center for Progressive Christianity, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light
For more information, or call 510-644-1200. Register now! You cannot afford to miss this opportunity.