Monday, March 02, 2009

announcements and appeals for help from groups that are part of the PWG coalition

Progressive Working Group Participants and Friends, (thanks to Wally
Malakoff for drafting this announcement)

Below are announcements and appeals for help from groups that are
part of the PWG coalition. If you are going to be in Annapolis or can
make a trip or you can phone bank or send an email, please volunteer and
help other members of our progressive coalition. Showing legislators
that there is a coalition of groups behind these issues definitely helps.

We also urge all groups to sign onto the PWG's Statement of Purpose
(attached), even if your group is unable to endorse all 14 legislative
priority issues the coalition has adopted.

The PWG has signed on to letters from participant groups to
legislators in support of priority legislative issues that the PWG
adopted. Letters have been sent thus far on Combined Reporting for
Corporations and the Maryland Guard Home Bill. The letters used the
following language.

"On behalf of name of group, and with the endorsement of the
Progressive Working Group..." body of letter. At end of letter: "The
Progressive Working Group (PWG) is a newly formed coalition of
progressive groups, primarily in Montgomery and Prince George's
Counties, that is working to create a broad-based progressive presence
in Annapolis. All PWG member organizations support the purpose of the
organization; not all member organizations may support every item of the
PWG legislative agenda.

"Progressive Working Group membership to date: Casa of Maryland,
Equality Maryland, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Health Care Now of
Maryland, Progressive Neighbors, Progressive Cheverly, Democracy for
Montgomery County, Upcounty Action, SAVEourVotes, Peace Action
Montgomery, Peace and Justice Coalition of Prince George's County,
Audubon Naturalist Society, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance,
Montgomery Health Care Action"


-SAVEourVotes needs emails and letters to ensure implementation of
the law passed two years ago that would phase out unreliable touch
screen voting systems and implement a proven and more cost-effective
paper ballot voting system by 2010. That victory is now in jeopardy. Go
for more information and to send an email to your legislators.

-Volunteers are needed to testify Wed. March 4th in Annapolis on the
Maryland Guard Home Bill. Contact Jean Athey at

-Progressive Cheverly and Progressive Neighbors encourage written
or in-person testimony on Combined Reporting legislation - Thurs. Mar 5
in the House, Wed. Mar 11 in the Senate.
Contact Norm Oslik: 301-322-5272.

-Democracy for Montgomery County/Progressive Democrats of
America/Mont. County Progressive Alliance is meeting Wed. March 4 from
7-10 pm at Saigonese Restaurant. (11232 Grandview Avenue, Wheaton, MD
20902) Among the items to be discussed are progressive issues before the
General Assembly. Contact Mike Hersh for more information 301-933-7169

-Sierra Club and Audubon Naturalist Society are phone banking
against funding for the ICC Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week
and next. Contact Alana Wase at Sierra Club (301-277-7111 or Dolores Milmoe at Audubon (301-652-9188 x 19 to volunteer and for more information
about sending emails.

-Casa of Maryland is looking for volunteers in the next two weeks to
testify with them in Annapolis on immigration issues including in-state
tuition for children of immigrants and denial of driver's licenses.
Contact Hector Pop at 240-354-5661

Progressive Working Group Legislative Priorities

-Corporate Income Tax - Rate Reduction and Reform (Combined Reporting)

-Health Security Act (Single Payer)

-Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act

-Defund the ICC

-In-State College Tuition For Non-Citizen Immigrant Children

-Opposition to Real ID in Current Form

-ASVAB(Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)-Protect Student

-Keep the MD Guard at Home

-Electoral Integrity - Post-Election Audits; Voting Process

-Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act

-Gender Identity and Expression Protections

-No Police Spying on Lawful Activities

-Public Financing of General Assembly Campaigns

-Workforce Anti-Fraud Bill (Misclassification of Workers as
Independent Contractors)

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