Monday, November 30, 2009

support Marc Elrich

Please join us Tuesday, December 1 to support the re-election of Montgomery County Council Member Marc Elrich

Time:   6:30 to 8:30pm

Place:  The Home of Eliza Leighton and Josh Wright
                7401 Maple Avenue
                Takoma Park, MD  20912
                (About a 10-minute walk from the Takoma Metro Station)

Dear Friends,

This Tuesday evening, join fellow activists at the home of Eliza Leighton and Josh Wright for a casual but critical fund raiser for Montgomery County Council Member Marc Elrich.

As I've said in past emails, Marc brings to public office a rare blend of intelligence, integrity, commitment, compassion and common sense.  I've witnessed Marc's good work for more than a decade -- as a community advocate, a Takoma Park City Council Member and now as a County Council Member -- on a wide range of environmental, social and economic issues.

He digs into the issues, does his homework and bucks political head winds on tough issues.

The stakes in this election are, as always, high.

The County Council is Montgomery County's pre-eminent transportation and land use authority.  It selects the members of the county Planning Board, and through policies, laws and budget decisions sets  the county's priorities on education, public health, public safety, housing, economic development, global warming, energy, air quality, habitat conservation, farmland preservation, watershed protection, and many other issues.

Marc takes no contributions from developers, and he has been one of too few elected officials who has been willing to speak out consistently and forcefully against wasteful, destructive projects like the Intercounty Connector.

This is no mean feat given that Marc serves in a county-wide, at-large seat on the County Council, in a county where developers, road builders and their friends have in recent elections all but swamped our elections with special-interest campaign cash.

Marc's successful 2006 campaign was powered by grassroots energy and contributions, and with our help, he can win again in 2010 running the same kind of focused, issues-driven campaign.

Join us this Tuesday!

Eliza and Josh have generously opened their home for this event, and we're all hoping for a great turnout and a significant boost to Marc's campaign for re-election.

If you cannot join us on Tuesday....

Please consider sending a contribution to support Marc's important work on behalf of us all. 

Contributions should be sent to:        Friends of Marc Elrich
                                        8100 Sligo Creek Parkway
                                        Takoma Park, MD 20912.

Please RSVP

To RSVP, send a quick note to:

As always, every contribution counts, and your generosity is most appreciated!

Many thanks and I hope you can make it Tuesday to Eliza's and Josh'!


Greg Smith

Tuesday's Host Committee
Bruce Williams and Geoff Burkhart   *   Howard and Diana Kohn   *   Josh Wright and Eliza Leighton
Sabrina Baron   *   Keith Berner and Marty Ittner   *   Bob Bingaman and Maribeth Oakes
Greg Lebel   *   Lorraine Pearsall   *   Frances Phipps   *   Kathy Porter   *   Hank Prensky
Senator Jamie Raskin   *   Terry Seamens   *   Ed Sharp   *   Chris Simpson and John Lorenz
Andrew Strongin   *   Mike Tabor and Esther Siegel   *   Donna Victoria

Suggested Contributions for Tuesday's Reception

$50 Friend     •     $75 Family

$100 Supporter     •     $250 Benefactor

Walking to Tuesday's Reception from the Takoma Metro Station

After exiting the main gate at the station, walk straight along Carroll Avenue for three short blocks.  Turn left onto Maple Avenue then walk nearly two full blocks.  Eliza's and Josh's house is on the right (east) side of street, by the intersection of Maple and Valley View.

Authorized by:  Friends of Marc Elrich

Dale A. Tibbitts, Chairman
Christine Grewell, Treasurer

8001 Sligo Creek Parkway
 Takoma Park, MD 20912

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