Saturday, January 09, 2010

Fighting for Education, Working Families, Retirees, and Maryland Business

Currently, certain businesses avoid paying their fair share--many of them pay nothing or next to nothing in Maryland taxes. How? By using a "simple accounting trick" according to Washington Business Tonight (1).

This "trick" forces the overwhelming majority of Maryland businesses to unfairly subsidize the largest, most profitable multinational corporations. Meanwhile--and in large part due to powerful special interests refusing to pay their fair share--Maryland is facing harrowing budgetary shortfalls.

The situation is bleak, and in response some in Annapolis have argued the State should force counties to assume a larger share, if not all of employee pension liabilities. Such an approach would mean that, "each year Montgomery County would be liable for $159.6 million in pension obligations, Prince George's would be liable for $121 million, Baltimore County would liable for $93.8 million, Baltimore City would be liable for $76.6 million, Anne Arundel County would be liable for $67.9 million, and Howard County would be liable for $55.2 million." (2)

As Roger explains, this "could be disastrous to the already failing budgets of Maryland counties, and could require counties to significantly slash funding for vital services and education ... requiring already overextended counties to pick up pension costs would directly result in diminished schools throughout the State. Clearly, a solution to the pension problem is needed." Alone in Annapolis, Roger Manno is striving to solve these problems while increasing fairness in the state budget and revenues. He's fighting for us.

By asking the largest corporations and wealthiest residents to pay their fair share, Roger's Teacher and Employee Pension Sustainability and Solvency Trust Fund bill (HB10) would protect retirees, working families, and education in Maryland. (3)

Roger is taking leadership on these critically important issues. He needs our help now. Please support Roger online here: or send a check to payable to "Friends of Roger Manno" and send to Friends of Roger Manno, 2138 Merrifields Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20906


(1) Washington Business Tonight, Jan-08-2010 "Md. Lawmakers Could Seek Tax Hikes, The Maryland General Assembly may be in for a wave of tax hikes given the state's bleak budget picture."

(2) Roger Manno Press Release, Dec-23-2009 "Preview: Teacher and Employee Pension Sustainability and Solvency Trust Fund (HB10), Manno unveils solution to State's pension system challenges"

(3) Roger Manno Press Release, Dec-23-2009

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