Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Call for Medicare for All--Event in DC Thursday


Call President Obama

Take Action

We need you to call the President and ask him to attend the Sidewalk Summit on Thursday, Feb. 25th at 9 AM at the NE Corner of Lafayette Park.



Dear Single-Payer Supporter:

Since the beginning, the discussion on health reform has been flawed because of the exclusion of a single-payer system in the debate. With universal healthcare off the table, so goes a meaningful discussion on controlling costs and improving access to care.

On the same day President Obama convenes a "make-or-break" bipartisan summit on healthcare reform, patients, nurses, and doctors will meet in the streets of Washington DC and around the country to demand a real solution - improved Medicare-for-All. Join us for a Sidewalk Summit on Thursday, February 25th, at 9am at the NE Corner of Lafayette Park (H St and Vermont) in Washington DC or find one near you.

Since no single-payer supporters have been invited to the White House Summit on health care, we urge you to call the White House and invite President Obama to listen to a real solution to the health crisis at the Sidewalk Summit for Improved Medicare for All.

Call the White House at 202-456-1111 or click here to follow a sample script.

No matter what the Congress and President do, if anything, the time is now to lay the foundation for a real health care reform movement that cannot be ignored.

For people before profit,
Quentin Young, MD, National Coordinator
Physicians for a National Health Program

Katie Robbins, National Organizer

Tim Carpenter, Executive Director
Progressive Democrats of America

Kay Tillow, Director
All Unions for Single-Payer Health Care - HR 676

Cindy Young
California School Employees Assoc.

Mark Dudzic, National Coordinator
Labor for Single-Payer

California Nurses Assoc./National Nurses Organizing Committee

Healthcare-NOW! survives on the generosity of our supporters. Please consider making a donation to support our efforts to pass HR 676 using our secure server.


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