Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Progressives on Air America Tuesday July 8!

Progressives on Air America Tuesday July 8!

Tune in online here to listen to Mimi Kennedy on Air America with our PDA leaders Tim Carpenter and Lila Garrett, joined by our endorsed Healthcare NOT Warfare Candidate Harry Taylor from North Carolina on CLOUT with Richard Greene. Mimi will be co-hosting with Richard Greene, who has been very supportive of PDA. We hope to show our support in return by listening to "Clout" at 9:00 PM EDT / 6:00 PM PDT daily. Click here to listen to the live stream. We need to drive up the online listener numbers Tuesday to keep "Clout" on the air with PDA!

Richard writes: "I reached out to PDA in the hopes that Tuesday nights could become the Progressive Community's 2 hours on radio--every week, same time, same Bat Station. If, tomorrow, we could show a serious bump in stream numbers, 2,000 or more PDA members who log on at the beginning at 6:06 Pacific/9:06 Eastern and that they stay (I would love for them to also call in and jam the call lines--866-303-2270), this would give me enough CLOUT! to keep this kind of community radio on the air."

Click to listen, call in, support PDA on the Radio TONIGHT: 9 PM ET, 6 PM PT!

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