Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Take Action: Prevent War on Iran

Attack on Iran Imminent! Stop HCR 362!

If there is a time this year that you are going to take action, this should be it. 

A new bill, House Concurrent Resolution 362, which essentially calls for a blockade of Iran, is steamrolling its way through the House.  Please call or email your Representative to urge a vote AGAINST HCR 362 the Blockade of Iran bill.

As an antidote, SUPPORT HCR 321 which calls for a comprehensive diplomatic engagement with Iran and other Middle Eastern nations as a way to resolve disputes and provide a responsible end to our occupation of Iraq.

Join PDA and other groups in a national call-in/email campaign beginning immediately. Read more details from the PDA web site.

Call the Capitol switch board (202)-224-3121 and ask for your Representative, or click here for an email Action Alert.

You can also use our action alert system to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper(s) and national media outlets.

HCR 362 is a dangerous bill calling for severe sanctions--far beyond those proposed by the Bush administration--and could be interpreted as an act of war under international law. It would further alienate Iran and could trigger retaliation against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, blockage of oil shipments through the straits of Hormuz, and potential involvement of other nations in the region.  If we want catastrophe in the Middle East,  deeper recession and gas at $6 per gallon, this would do it.

A much more effective alternative is HCR 321 which calls for a serious and sustained diplomatic initiative involving Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other neighboring states.  This bill provides a responsible way out of Iraq and an avenue for dispute resolution with Iran and other nations.

PDA supports HCR 321 as a major step toward returning to diplomacy not war as our primary tool of foreign policy. 


Thank you,

Howard Jennings
for the End the War, Redirect Funding Issue Organizing Team

PDA Has Clout on Air America
Richard Greene has been very supportive of PDA. Show PDA's support in return by listening to "Clout" at 9:00 PM EDT / 6:00 PM PDT every weekday. Click here to listen to the live stream. Help us drive up online listener numbers to keep "Clout" on the air with PDA!

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal: Elect a permanent, progressive majority in 2008. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders like Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Jim Hightower, Thom Hartmann and Rev. Lennox Yearwood.

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