Thursday, October 23, 2008

Canvass for Barack Obama and Sam Rasoul in Strasburg, VA

Canvass for Barack Obama and Sam Rasoul in Strasburg, VA
Carpool - One hour west of Vienna Metro Station in NOVA
Saturday, October 25 (details below)

Dear Howard,

This may be the single most effective thing you can do to help elect Obama and pick up a new Democratic seat in Congress.  Come help us canvass in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley this Saturday, October 25. (one hour west of Vienna Metro in NOVA)

Last week I went to a fundraiser for Sam Rasoul, progressive Democratic candidate for Congress in Virginia’s 6th District; and I was totally blown away by the candidate and the polling results there.  Sam is the youngest candidate for Congress in the country, and he is an amazingly eloquent, likable, persuasive candidate who is on the verge of pulling off a most unlikely upset against a Republican incumbent.  Sam is magnetic, and his fast-rising support in the traditionally Republican Shenandoah Valley makes it clear that he is going to be a rising star in the Democratic Party.  You could feel it.  This guy knows how to articulate progressive values and policies to Middle Americans and win them over.

And look at these USA Today poll numbers!  In September in the 6th District, Obama was down 24 points.  In October Obama and McCain are tied at 48%!  Mark Warner is at 60%!  The incumbent Republican Congressman is at 45% support with 16% undecided.  Sam’s campaign is making a huge difference for the whole Democratic ticket, and he is a few points away from an upset win himself.

Come join us in Strasburg, VA on Saturday to knock on doors for Sam and the ticket.

Lunch at Christina’s Mexican Restaurant
348 E King St., Strasburg, VA 22657 
12 Noon – Saturday, October 25
Canvassing:  1 – 4
Carpools Meet at Vienna Metro Station in NOVA at 10:30 a.m.
(south parking lot Kiss and Ride area)
Contact:  BJ Haflinger:

Its fun, and may be the most effective thing you can do for this election!

Other Events:
November 4:  Election Day – vote absentee
to avoid lines, help at the polls

November 15 PDA Special Event:  What’s Next Post-Election?  Details soon.

November 22:  Moving Forward:  Dan Reed Concert / PDA Fundraiser – Busboys and Poets, 14th and V St., DC – 8:30 p.m.

December 13:  PDA Party and Healthcare Meeting, Moya Atkinson’s home (tentative date)

Thanks and come join us,
Howard Jennings
PDA VA State Co-Coordinator

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal: Elect a permanent, progressive majority in 2008. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann and Rev. Lennox Yearwood. More info:

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