Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DANCE-OBAMA: The Pulse for Peace

DANCE-OBAMA: The Pulse for Peace

What: Inaugural event, dance
When: Monday January 19, 2009 4-6 pm.
Where: Peace Mural Gallery, 3336 M. St NW, Georgetown
Contact: Karen Bradley 202-669-3927 Robyne Davis 703-798-4305

The artist Huong's stunning works of art depicting aspects of peace and justice are the setting for a singular event in the sweep of inaugural celebrations. Dance therapists, bloggers, activists, and dancers will come together for a visual and participatory celebration of hope and change and finding our voices as citizens.

"Movement choirs have been around in one form or another for thousands of years," said Karen Bradley, one of the organizers of the event. "Whenever people celebrate or mourn or protest, moving in unison provides a means of empowering oneself and the community."

Robyne Davis, another organizer, pointed out "This inauguration offers people a chance to engage with the hope and change Barack Obama inspires in an active and interactive way. Through song and dance, we can hear our own voices and are empowered to work towards a more peaceful and just world."

Featuring drummers, dancers, and the paintings in the gallery, and led by emcees/actors/improv artists James Kinstle and Joe Brady, the event is sure to inspire collective joy, vision, and hope for a manifestation of Dr. King's dream.

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