Friday, May 29, 2009

National Day of Action: May 30th Single-Payer Healthcare

National Day of Action: Putting Single-Payer
Healthcare on the Table
* Events Tomorrow, Saturday May 30th in Towson and
Wheaton *

Join thousands of single-payer supporters in a nationwide week of action
to support improved Medicare for all. 47 million Americans are
uninsured. Private insurance rates are rising faster than inflation and
our incomes. By 2025 the cost of private health insurance will exceed
our projected income.

A national, single-payer healthcare system is the only healthcare reform
option that will cover every American resident while saving us billions
of dollars. The majority of Americans want it. The majority of
physicians want it. The only thing missing is the political will in
Washington. Join us in action!

In Towson--Health Care Town Hall: Single Payer - What is it?
With Donna and Larry Smith, Adam Schneider from Health Care for the
Homeless, Rep. Elijah Cummings, and Rep. John Sarbanes.
When: Saturday, May 30th from 9 am to 12 noon
Where: Towson Presbyterian Church 400 W. Chesapeake Ave. Towson, MD

In Wheaton--Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare
With Dr. Margaret Flowers (member of the "Baucus Eight" arrested at
Senate Finance Committee). Surprise guest speakers expected as well!
When: Saturday May 30th, 3-4:30 PM
Where: Wheaton Library, Meeting Room #2 (lowest level), 11701 Georgia
Ave., Wheaton, MD Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (Redline)

Get involved and make a real difference. Please take a few minutes to
contact your Representative to ask him/her to co-sponsor HR 676, the
Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act.

Keep the momentum going. Call Sen. Mikulski, Sen. Cardin, and your
Congress member. Tell them you strongly support single payer and expect
them to do everything they can to help it pass in the House and the
Senate.Calls mean more than emails. Keep the calls coming! Click here to
find the phone numbers:

Sen. Max Baucus, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee declared: "single
payer option is not on the table because it cannot pass." PDA and our
allies rallied on Capitol Hill to convince him otherwise. Hundreds of
nurses, doctors and health care reform advocates gathered to express our
views. Help us send a clear and strong message: we want real health
reform, HR 676--improved Medicare for all.

National Day of Action sponsored by: The Leadership Conference for
Guaranteed Health Care including--Progressive Democrats of America,
CNA/National Nurses Organizing Committee, Physicians for a National
Health Program, Americans for Democratic Action, National Organization
for Women, Healthcare-NOW! and many others. We're organizing nation-wide
to make guaranteed healthcare a reality. Join the effort now. Attend
events, contact elected officials, inform your friends and family.

Expanded and Improved Medicare for All: With your help, we can do it!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reminder: Healthcare Town Hall May 30th in Wheaton

Reminder: Town Hall Forum on Healthcare Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th
Wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902 Meeting Room 2
(lower level)
Accessible to all. Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (red line)

Confirmed: Dr. Margaret Flowers (One of the "Baucus Eight"). Other
speakers invited.

Learn about the pros and cons of various reform proposals, and get
involved with public advocacy.
Please rsvp: and share this info. with your
lists and friends!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare

Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare
Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th
Wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902
Meeting Room 2 (lower level) Accessible to all.
Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (red line)


Confirmed: Dr. Margaret Flowers (Member of the Baucus Eight arrested at
Senate Finance Committee). $5 Suggested Contribution

Of all the proposals for healthcare reform, Single Payer (expanded and
improved Medicare for all) is the most efficient, most cost-effective,
and best approach. Why is it "off the table?" Big contributions to key
politicians from the for-profit insurance companies is a big part of the
problem. You can be part of the solution!

Learn about the pros and cons of various reform proposals, and get
involved with public advocacy. You don't have to get arrested, just help
inform those you know and tell your elected officials to put the public
interest above special interests and patients above profits.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Forum on Healthcare Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th

Town Hall Forum on Healthcare Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th
Wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902 Meeting Room 2
(lower level)
Accessible to all. Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (red line)

Confirmed: Dr. Margaret Flowers (One of the "Baucus Eight" arrested at
Senate Finance Committee). Other speakers invited.

Discussion of healthcare reform. Learn the pros and cons of various
reform proposals, and get involved with public advocacy. You don't have
to get arrested, just help inform those you know and tell your elected
officials to put the public interest above special interests and
patients above profits.

Note: We're meeting 7 PM June 3rd at the Saigonese to plan future events
and actions. 11232 Grandview Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Progressive Events in Maryland

Progressive Events in Maryland -- from Progressive Working Group,
Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Democrats of
America, Democracy for Montgomery County, PeaceAction Montgomery, MoveOn

Monday May 25, 9:30 a.m. -- Transition Town Meeting pot luck breakfast
and discussion, 706 Erie Ave. in Takoma Park. Group is working on means
to develop more sustainable communities in face of peak oil and climate
crisis. Email for more information.

Thursday, 28 May 2009, 2:00 PM -- Heyser Farm Visit. This is working
farm using local student labor to produce local fruits, vegetables and
plants. We will have other leaders from Clean Energy Businesses present
to talk about Green Jobs. RSVP required, limited space. Contact Rosie
Engman to RSVP

Saturday May 30th, 3-4:30 pm -- Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare
Wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902 (Accessible to
all. Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (red line) "Of all the
proposals for healthcare reform, Single Payer (expanded and improved
Medicare for all) is the most efficient, most cost-effective, and best
approach. Why is it off the table? Learn about the pros and cons of
various reform proposals, and get involved with public advocacy."
Confirmed speakers include Dr. Margaret Flowers of the Physicians for a
National Health Care Program (one of the Baucus Eight!). Email Mike
Hersh for more information:

Saturday May 30th, 11:30 a.m. -- Annual Peace Action Montgomery
Luncheon with Frida Berrigan (daughter of Phillip Berrigan and Elizabeth
McAlister) $20 donation. Contact Pat Salomon for further information

Sunday May 31th, 11:00 a.m. -- District 20 Breakfast Los Arrieos
Restaurant (7926 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring 20910). This is a chance to
meet with and question our District 20 state legislators. Guest speaker
is Susan Turnbull, chair of the Maryland Democratic Party. Reservations
($10) and further information - Monica Ettinger at 301-891-0671

Sunday May 31, 10:45 a.m. 3:00 p.m. -- Open House at Organic Farm, Pot
luck get-together and farm tour at Mike Tabor's Licking Creek Bend Farm,
928 Donahue Rd. Needmore, PA 17238 -- just under 2 hours from Takoma
Park/Silver Spring. An opportunity to connect with sustainable
agriculture (vegetable fields, fruit and Christmas trees, and good
people. Children welcome.) Bring a healthy dish to share. For more
information and directions, email

Thanks to Wally Malakoff and Rosie Engman for submitting events.
Please submit progressive events to me at

Mike Hersh
Chairperson, Democracy for Montgomery County
Executive Director, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance
Steering Committee, Progressive Working Group
Maryland State Coordinator, Progressive Democrats of America
Montgomery County Council,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Healthcare Town Hall May 30th in Wheaton

Town Hall Forum on Healthcare Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th
Wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902 Meeting Room 2
(lower level)
Accessible to all. Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (red line)

Confirmed: Dr. Margaret Flowers (arrested at Senate Finance Committee).
Other speakers invited.

Learn about the pros and cons of various reform proposals, and get
involved with public advocacy. You don't have to get arrested, just help
inform those you know and tell your elected officials to put the public
interest above special interests and patients above profits.

Please rsvp: and share this info. with yours
lists and friends!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th

Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare Saturday, 3-4:30 pm May 30th
Wheaton Library 11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902
Accessible to all. Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (red line)

Confirmed: Dr. Margaret Flowers (arrested at Senate Finance Committee).
Other speakers invited.

Of all the proposals for healthcare reform, Single Payer (expanded and
improved Medicare for all) is the most efficient, most cost-effective,
and best approach. Why is it "off the table?" Big contributions to key
politicians from the for-profit insurance companies is a big part of the
problem. You can be part of the solution!

Learn about the pros and cons of various reform proposals, and get
involved with public advocacy. You don't have to get arrested, just help
inform those you know and tell your elected officials to put the public
interest above special interests and patients above profits.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

May 12 & 13: Single-Payer Healthcare Days in DC

May 12 & 13: Single-Payer Healthcare Days in DC

After a spectacular and impromptu display of courage by eight single-payer activists, mostly doctors and lawyers, at the last Senate Finance Subcommittee Hearing on Healthcare on May 5, single-payer healthcare is finally getting the attention it deserves from the mainstream media. Articles appeared online in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, the Associated Press, Politico, the Congressional Quarterly, the Kaiser network, and others. Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) appeared on MS NBC's the Ed Schultz Show; watch it here.

This Tuesday, May 12, the Senate Finance Subcommittee is holding its final hearing on healthcare reform. PNHP has formally submitted the names of two outstanding physicians, Drs. Marcia Angell and Steffie Woolhandler, to testify as expert witnesses. However, no single-payer supporters have been invited. 

Please call Sen. Baucus' office in Washington and urge him to extend the invitations at 202-224-2651, or fax him at (202) 224-9412.

While the hearing is taking place inside, a demonstration by physicians, nurses and other supporters of single-payer healthcare will take place outside the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington at 9:30 a.m. The group will gather outside the main entrance of the building at 1st Street and Constitution Avenue NE. If you live in the vicinity, please try to attend. If you're a physician, wear your white coat. Otherwise, participants are encouraged to wear black in remembrance of those who have died because they lacked health insurance.

If you hope for a seat inside the hearing, It is recommended you arrive at the hearing room (106 Dirksen) no later than 7:30 a.m. The hearing begins at 10 a.m.

May 13 National Day of Action for Single-payer Healthcare

On the following day, the California Nurses Association is leading the charge for single-payer healthcare. Five hundred nurses will be joined by PDA and other members of the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care for a rally at Upper Senate Park, near Union Station Metro Stop at 12 noon (see map).

Speakers include Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT); Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (MI-14); Rep. Eric Massa (NY-29); Rose Ann DeMoro, CNA/NNOC executive director; Mike Farrell, actor; Dr. Margaret Flowers, PNHP; and John Sweeney, president AFL-CIO.

From there, the activists will proceed to the Capital for a lobby day with their representatives. Contact Katie Robbins here or at 1-800-453-1305 to make arrangements to meet with your representative.

Interested parties outside of the Washington area should contact Katie for info on travel details--relatively inexpensive bus fare is available from most major cities on the east coast.

Healthcare corporations are becoming more and more vocal in their insistence that they cannot compete against a true public-option. They bellow they can only lower the cost of women's coverage if there is no public option, and they can only cover pre-existing conditions if there is no public option. We can't begin to match their campaign contributions, but we can certainly become more vocal and persistent in our demands for expanded and improved Medicare for all.

Mark your calendars to either call your representative, and if possible, attend the rallies on May 12 and 13. And please call or fax Mr. Baucus and demand that single-payer advocates be allowed to testify: (202) 224-2651(Office) (202) 224-9412 (Fax)

Action for Single-payer Healthcare

Let's keep the momentum from last week's action going!

Let's show Sen. Baucus just how strong the single payer movement is!

I  realize that these are weekdays, but please make every effort to join us on these days.
Dr. Margaret Flowers

May 12 & 13: Single-Payer Healthcare Days in DC

Celebrate National Nurses Week and solidarity for single-payer national health care!

After a spectacular and impromptu display of courage by eight single-payer activists, mostly doctors and lawyers, at the last Senate Finance Subcommittee Hearing on Healthcare on May 5, single-payer healthcare is finally getting the attention it deserves from the mainstream media. Articles appeared online in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, the Associated Press, Politico, the Congressional Quarterly, the Kaiser network, and others. Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) appeared on MS NBC's the Ed Schultz Show; watch it here.

This Tuesday, May 12, the Senate Finance Subcommittee is holding its final roundtable on healthcare reform. PNHP has formally submitted the names of two outstanding physicians, Drs. Marcia Angell and Steffie Woolhandler, to testify as expert witnesses. The California Nurses Association has issued a request to include Roseann Demoro, Executive Director of CNA / NNOC and long-time leader in the single-payer movement.  However, no single-payer supporters have been invited.

We need your help to get a single-payer expert(s) in the Roundtable!  Single-Payer New York met with Senator Schumer, member of the Senate Finance Committee, on Friday evening.  He agreed to ask Chairman Baucus to include a single-payer expert if we can get another Senator on the committee to join him.  If you are a constituent of the following Senators, you can call and ask them to join Senator Schumer [NY] of the Senate Finance Committee to ask Senator Baucus to include a single-payer expert in Tuesday's Hearing:

Stabenow [MI] - Washington DC office 202-224-4822
Kerry [MA] - Washington DC office (202) 224-2742
Rockefeller [WV] - Washington DC office (202) 224-6472
For a full list of Senate Finance Committee members, go here:

Please call Sen. Baucus' office in Washington and urge him to extend the invitations at 202-224-2651, or fax him at (202) 224-9412.

While the hearing is taking place inside, a demonstration by physicians, nurses and other supporters of single-payer healthcare will take place outside the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington at 9:30 a.m. The group will gather outside the main entrance of the building at 1st Street and Constitution Avenue NE. If you live in the vicinity, please try to attend. If you're a physician, wear your white coat. Otherwise, participants are encouraged to wear black in remembrance of those who have died because they lacked health insurance.

If you hope for a seat inside the hearing, It is recommended you arrive at the hearing room (106 Dirksen) no later than 7:30 a.m. The hearing begins at 10 a.m.

May 13 National Day of Action for Single-payer Healthcare

On the following day, the California Nurses Association is leading the charge for single-payer healthcare. Five hundred nurses will be joined by PDA and other members of the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care for a rally at Upper Senate Park, near Union Station Metro Stop at 12 noon (see map).

Speakers include Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT); Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (MI-14); Rep. Eric Massa (NY-29); Rose Ann DeMoro, CNA/NNOC executive director; Mike Farrell, actor; Dr. Margaret Flowers, PNHP; and John Sweeney, president AFL-CIO.

From there, the activists will proceed to the Capital for a lobby day with their representatives. Contact Katie Robbins here or at 1-800-453-1305 to make arrangements to meet with your representative.

Interested parties outside of the Washington area should contact Katie for info on travel details--relatively inexpensive bus fare is available from most major cities on the east coast.

Healthcare corporations are becoming more and more vocal in their insistence that they cannot compete against a true public-option. They bellow they can only lower the cost of women's coverage if there is no public option, and they can only cover pre-existing conditions if there is no public option. We can't begin to match their campaign contributions, but we can certainly become more vocal and persistent in our demands for expanded and improved Medicare for all.

Mark your calendars to either call your representative, and if possible, attend the rallies on May 12 and 13. And please call or fax Mr. Baucus and demand that single-payer advocates be allowed to testify: (202) 224-2651 (Office) (202) 224-9412 (Fax)

Friday, May 08, 2009

Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare Saturday May 30th, 3-4:30 PM

Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare
Save the Date: Saturday May 30th, 3-4:30 PM
Wheaton Library, Meeting Room #2 (lowest level)
11701 Georgia Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902

Confirmed: Dr. Margaret Flowers (arrested at Senate Finance Committee).
Other speakers invited. Media, Elected officials welcome, RSVP to participate.
Organizations, please contact me to co-sponsor this event.

Of all the proposals for healthcare reform, Single Payer (expanded and improved Medicare for all) is the most efficient, most cost-effective, and best approach. Why is it "off the table?" Big contributions to key politicians from the for-profit insurance companies are a big part of the problem. Be part of the solution!

Learn about the pros and cons of various reform proposals, and get involved with public advocacy. You don't have to get arrested, just help inform those you know and tell your elected officials to put the public interest above special interests and patients above profits.

Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (Red line)

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Please join us, 7 PM Wednesday May 6th,MCPA, DFMC, PDA, PWG, MoveOn, Meetup Meeting

Please join us, 7 PM Wednesday May 6th
MCPA, DFMC, PDA, PWG, MoveOn, Meetup Meeting
The time is now to get organized and make a difference.
Please RSVP to so we know you'll be there.
Who are all these organizations and what do they do? See below.

Saigonese Restaurant 11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton),+MD+20902

Short walk from the Wheaton Metro / Red Line. Parking in the public lot
across the street.

Building on recent successful meetings, we'll continue work with our
standing committees:
1. outreach and recruitment (to help us increase membership),
2. media (letters to the editor, call-in to radio shows, etc.),
3. issue advocacy (meet with elected officials and promote our agenda)
4. event planning/hosting.

We'll discuss sponsoring a legislative update to with State Senators and
Delegates, and work with other organizations to cosponsor healthcare
reform events locally and in the Baltimore Area. In June, we hope to
hold our 6th annual Progressive Picnic to meet with elected officials
and organize ongoing efforts.

Please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance google group:

If you're on Facebook, please join the MCPA group:


Who are all these organizations and what do they do?

1. MCPA: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance is a flexible,
result-oriented coalition. MCPA includes more than 1,000 local
activists, mainly in and around Montgomery County Maryland. The
organization began in 2003 when Democracy for America Meetup members
reached out to other Meetup groups and other groups. In 2004, 100s of
Montgomery County for Kerry members and local Progressive Democrats of
America members joined the MCPA. MCPA adopted a mission statement,
organized special events, and has held meetings nearly each month since
2003. MCPA members worked to elect progressive leaders, led issue
advocacy efforts in Rockville, Annapolis, and on Capitol Hill, and
cooperated with other organizations and coalitions to make progress in
our communities, state, and nationally. Moving into the rest of 2009 and
building toward 2010, MCPA plans to solidify our organization, raise
funds, and continue our public education and outreach efforts. MCPA is
currently seeking new steering committee members and coalition partners.

2. DFA/DFMC: Democracy for America emerged from Gov. Howard Dean's
presidential campaign in 2004, and has organized grass-roots activists
to support socially progressive, fiscally responsible candidates. DFMC
is Democracy for Montgomery County, a local DFA-inspired organization
which is not directly or legally affiliated with DFA. DFMC has organized
events and meetings; and endorsed and organized volunteers for several
candidates. DFMC is currently seeking additional steering committee
members. Please contact me, if you're
interested. You can sign up for DFA here:

3. PDA: Progressive Democrats of America began just after the 2004
Democratic National Convention in Boston. Bringing together people from
the 2004 Kucinich and Dean Campaigns with other progressives, PDA
adopted an "inside/outside strategy" uniting activists working inside
the Democratic Party with those working in peace and justice movements.
PDA's core issues include clean, accurate and transparent elections;
environmental protection; single-payer healthcare; economic and social
justice; and peace. You can sign up for PDA here:

4. PWG: The Progressive Working Group is a coalition promoting progress
and reform, economic fairness and equality, protecting the environment,
and more. PWG endorsed 14 issues for the 2009 General Assembly session.
PWG currently includes: Audubon Naturalist Society, CASA of Maryland,
Democracy for Montgomery County, Equality Maryland, Health Care Now,
Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Montgomery Health Care Action,
PeaceAction Montgomery, Peace and Justice of Prince George's County,
Progressive Cheverly, Progressive Democrats of America (Maryland),
Progressive Neighbors, Save Our Votes, and Upcounty Action. Other
progressive organizations are welcome to join PWG. Please contact Wally
Malakoff for more information on how your
organization can join PWG.

5. MoveOn: While MoveOn has determined not to join with other
organizations in any official capacity, many local MoveOn members are
participating in actions organized and cosponsored by MCPA.

Thanks for reading down this far, and hope to see you at the meeting and
future events,

Mike Hersh
Chairperson, MCPA
Steering Committee, PWG & DFMC
Maryland State Coordinator, PDA
Montgomery County Council, MoveOn