Friday, May 29, 2009

National Day of Action: May 30th Single-Payer Healthcare

National Day of Action: Putting Single-Payer
Healthcare on the Table
* Events Tomorrow, Saturday May 30th in Towson and
Wheaton *

Join thousands of single-payer supporters in a nationwide week of action
to support improved Medicare for all. 47 million Americans are
uninsured. Private insurance rates are rising faster than inflation and
our incomes. By 2025 the cost of private health insurance will exceed
our projected income.

A national, single-payer healthcare system is the only healthcare reform
option that will cover every American resident while saving us billions
of dollars. The majority of Americans want it. The majority of
physicians want it. The only thing missing is the political will in
Washington. Join us in action!

In Towson--Health Care Town Hall: Single Payer - What is it?
With Donna and Larry Smith, Adam Schneider from Health Care for the
Homeless, Rep. Elijah Cummings, and Rep. John Sarbanes.
When: Saturday, May 30th from 9 am to 12 noon
Where: Towson Presbyterian Church 400 W. Chesapeake Ave. Towson, MD

In Wheaton--Town Hall Forum on Single Payer Healthcare
With Dr. Margaret Flowers (member of the "Baucus Eight" arrested at
Senate Finance Committee). Surprise guest speakers expected as well!
When: Saturday May 30th, 3-4:30 PM
Where: Wheaton Library, Meeting Room #2 (lowest level), 11701 Georgia
Ave., Wheaton, MD Short walk/bus ride from Wheaton Metro (Redline)

Get involved and make a real difference. Please take a few minutes to
contact your Representative to ask him/her to co-sponsor HR 676, the
Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act.

Keep the momentum going. Call Sen. Mikulski, Sen. Cardin, and your
Congress member. Tell them you strongly support single payer and expect
them to do everything they can to help it pass in the House and the
Senate.Calls mean more than emails. Keep the calls coming! Click here to
find the phone numbers:

Sen. Max Baucus, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee declared: "single
payer option is not on the table because it cannot pass." PDA and our
allies rallied on Capitol Hill to convince him otherwise. Hundreds of
nurses, doctors and health care reform advocates gathered to express our
views. Help us send a clear and strong message: we want real health
reform, HR 676--improved Medicare for all.

National Day of Action sponsored by: The Leadership Conference for
Guaranteed Health Care including--Progressive Democrats of America,
CNA/National Nurses Organizing Committee, Physicians for a National
Health Program, Americans for Democratic Action, National Organization
for Women, Healthcare-NOW! and many others. We're organizing nation-wide
to make guaranteed healthcare a reality. Join the effort now. Attend
events, contact elected officials, inform your friends and family.

Expanded and Improved Medicare for All: With your help, we can do it!

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