Let's keep the momentum from last week's action going!
Let's show Sen. Baucus just how strong the single payer movement is!
May 12 & 13: Single-Payer Healthcare Days in DC
Celebrate National Nurses Week and solidarity for single-payer national health care!
After a spectacular and impromptu display of courage by eight single-payer activists, mostly doctors and lawyers, at the last Senate Finance Subcommittee Hearing on Healthcare on May 5, single-payer healthcare is finally getting the attention it deserves from the mainstream media. Articles appeared online in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, the Associated Press, Politico, the Congressional Quarterly, the Kaiser network, and others. Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) appeared on MS NBC's the Ed Schultz Show; watch it here.This Tuesday, May 12, the Senate Finance Subcommittee is holding its final roundtable on healthcare reform. PNHP has formally submitted the names of two outstanding physicians, Drs. Marcia Angell and Steffie Woolhandler, to testify as expert witnesses. The California Nurses Association has issued a request to include Roseann Demoro, Executive Director of CNA / NNOC and long-time leader in the single-payer movement. However, no single-payer supporters have been invited.
We need your help to get a single-payer expert(s) in the Roundtable! Single-Payer New York met with Senator Schumer, member of the Senate Finance Committee, on Friday evening. He agreed to ask Chairman Baucus to include a single-payer expert if we can get another Senator on the committee to join him. If you are a constituent of the following Senators, you can call and ask them to join Senator Schumer [NY] of the Senate Finance Committee to ask Senator Baucus to include a single-payer expert in Tuesday's Hearing:
Stabenow [MI] - Washington DC office 202-224-4822
Kerry [MA] - Washington DC office (202) 224-2742
Rockefeller [WV] - Washington DC office (202) 224-6472
For a full list of Senate Finance Committee members, go here: http://finance.senate.gov/sitepages/committee.htm
Please call Sen. Baucus' office in Washington and urge him to extend the invitations at 202-224-2651, or fax him at (202) 224-9412.
While the hearing is taking place inside, a demonstration by physicians, nurses and other supporters of single-payer healthcare will take place outside the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington at 9:30 a.m. The group will gather outside the main entrance of the building at 1st Street and Constitution Avenue NE. If you live in the vicinity, please try to attend. If you're a physician, wear your white coat. Otherwise, participants are encouraged to wear black in remembrance of those who have died because they lacked health insurance.
If you hope for a seat inside the hearing, It is recommended you arrive at the hearing room (106 Dirksen) no later than 7:30 a.m. The hearing begins at 10 a.m.
May 13 National Day of Action for Single-payer Healthcare
On the following day, the California Nurses Association is leading the charge for single-payer healthcare. Five hundred nurses will be joined by PDA and other members of the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care for a rally at Upper Senate Park, near Union Station Metro Stop at 12 noon (see map).
Speakers include Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT); Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (MI-14); Rep. Eric Massa (NY-29); Rose Ann DeMoro, CNA/NNOC executive director; Mike Farrell, actor; Dr. Margaret Flowers, PNHP; and John Sweeney, president AFL-CIO.
From there, the activists will proceed to the Capital for a lobby day with their representatives. Contact Katie Robbins here or at 1-800-453-1305 to make arrangements to meet with your representative.
Interested parties outside of the Washington area should contact Katie for info on travel details--relatively inexpensive bus fare is available from most major cities on the east coast.
Healthcare corporations are becoming more and more vocal in their insistence that they cannot compete against a true public-option. They bellow they can only lower the cost of women's coverage if there is no public option, and they can only cover pre-existing conditions if there is no public option. We can't begin to match their campaign contributions, but we can certainly become more vocal and persistent in our demands for expanded and improved Medicare for all.
Mark your calendars to either call your representative, and if possible, attend the rallies on May 12 and 13. And please call or fax Mr. Baucus and demand that single-payer advocates be allowed to testify: (202) 224-2651 (Office) (202) 224-9412 (Fax)
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