Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The DNC is asking Democrats to weigh in voice your views

From Carolyn Cook: We need the ERA

The Equal Rights Amendment was featured on Rachel Maddow show last night! It was included in a segment about how hard it is to pass constitutional amendments. Only the guest, Professor Heather Gerken from Yale Law School said women don't need the ERA any longer because all of our issues have been resolved through the laws and the courts. What????? Can I call Lily Ledbetter on that one?

Please men and women, voice your opinion! Rachel needs to hear from a chorus of Americans, so we can keep this issue being discussed. Education and debate are essential for ERA's expansion. Email Rachel Maddow at Rachel@msnbc.com and Professor Gerken at heather.gerken@yale.edu  and tell both of them that you disagree that we don't need ERA and are standing United 4 Equality to end women and girls' 2nd class citizenship now!

From http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-DNC-is-asking-Democrat-by-MikeHersh-100810-167.html


The DNC is asking Democrats to weigh in on a poll here: http://my.democrats.org/page/s/demsurvey

Progressive Democrats should voice our views to guide the DNC to victory (and to avoid crushing defeat) at the polls this November.

Among the choices under "How important would you rate the following issues?" none refer to war policies or weapons spending. People who care about those issues have to pick "other" and write in their choice. Also, they offer "Health insurance reform," not health (care) reform. This question presumes insurance companies will continue to profit off, control, and sabotage healthcare in the USA. I answered:

"Ending the wars, redirecting weapons spending to meet human needs including universal single payer healthcare--not 'Health insurance reform' which leaves us at the mercy of exploitive for-profit insurance companies."

There are a few opportunities to make detailed comments, and I answered this way:

How would you describe the current political climate? (Optional):

"Many people are confused and/or angry. The Democratic Party is not assertive enough in articulating a clear, progressive vision for the USA."

What do you believe the Democratic Party stands for? (Optional):

"This is unclear. War and weapons spending keeps increasing. We cannot afford to pay for teachers, police, or health care for all, but we spend $billions on weapons the Pentagon doesn't even want! Why is that? Just before the BP spill, the President announced support for more off-shore drilling. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats cannot pass clean energy policies.

"Conservative Senate Democrats blocked the best reform efforts on healthcare, energy, the stimulus, etc. Most Americans want a strong public option in health care and more stringent Wall St. regulation, but a few Democrats joined the Republicans in the Senate watering down reform.

"We need a larger, quickly deployed stimulus package--along the lines of New Deal policies. Senate Democrats scaled back and delayed the programs. As Paul Krugman, Dean Baker and others explain: Unemployment remains far too high because the stimulus was too small and too slow. This lack of jobs will make elected Democrats lose their jobs, but it didn't have to be this way.

"What does the Democratic Party stand for? If it's not much different from what the Republicans stand for, then what's the point? Harry Truman warned that voters will support real Republicans over me-too Democrats, and polls show that's what happening now. We could expand our majorities, but we will loose several seats because we're not standing up as Democrats for what we (supposedly) believe in. Why are so many elected Democrats afraid to be Democrats when blurring the differences will lead to massive Democratic losses on Election Day?"

Why are you a Democrat? (Optional):

"I hope Democrats will lead the way on creating a better future with peace, clean energy, good-paying domestic jobs, universal healthcare, strict regulation of business, environmental protection, and equality and opportunity for all as the organizing principles--not just empty rhetoric.

"Only the Democratic Party can deliver on the American Dream by standing up for working families and those in need, but we have to return to our shared commitment to these basic goals FDR articulated as the Four Freedoms during his State of the Union Address in 1941: 1. Freedom of speech and expression, 2. Freedom of religion, 3. Freedom from want, 4. Freedom from fear, which he defined as 'a world-wide reduction of armaments,' but which can also mean guaranteed personal security against violence and intimidation by criminals and unwarranted state action.

"These are all basic American, patriotic ideals and winning campaign issues. Nearly all voters support all of these freedoms. Right wing Republicans are out of step with the public because they're unwilling or unable to fully support any of them. To create a clear and superior choice at the polls, Democrats should fully, proudly embrace these freedoms. That means we should provide clear leadership and deliver strong legislation guaranteeing all of them. Seventy years after Roosevelt called for a better, safer, more prosperous world, President Obama will deliver a State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress. Will there be seventy fewer Democrats in Congress to hear him? Unless we lead based on our commitment to making life better for all, we'll fail to lead at all and the voters will punish us for that failure."

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