Saturday, August 07, 2010

Join MCPA's DFALINK group

Join MCPA's DFALINK group:

The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance is a vital group with over
1500 members working for a better future. We're leading and supporting
efforts and projects on local, state and national issues. We're hosting
candidates for Senate, Governor and other offices as well as elected and
party officials to speak to our members. We're cooperating with local
and national clubs and organizations. We've established strong, friendly
connections and alliances.

We've met regularly since 2003, and sponsored or cosponsored dozens of
events. We promote progressive solutions to achieve a better, more fair
and sustainable society. We focus mainly on issues and events in
Montgomery County, Maryland, and the National Capitol region.

We advance equal and civil rights, clean and safe communities, high
quality health care and education, verified voting, secure retirement,
freedom, fairness and opportunity for all. We founded the MCPA to make a
positive difference on local, state, national and global issues.

We support progressive candidates and promote fair election and campaign
practices to empower people and ensure meaningful participation. We
research and formulate policy, support causes and candidates, and
organize events, fund raisers, and campaigns to advance our ideals.

Join MCPA's DFALINK group:

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