Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dr. Flowers' Rx for Healthcare Reform

From Dr. Margaret Flowers:

Yesterday a group of ten of us went to a neighborhood and made house calls for health reform. We teamed up in pairs of health providers and advocates. We knocked on doors and talked to people about HR 676 and collected signatures on petitions asking Congressman Sarbanes to co-sponsor HR 676. You can view a video of our actions below:
We encourage you to do the same if you live in Sarbanes' (3rd), Van Hollen's (8th) or Hoyer's (5th) districts. These are the members of Congress from Maryland whom we we are encouraging to sign onto HR 676.

I've attached a sample talking points sheet (see end of email) and here is a link to a petition you can download:

Scroll down and you will find a "petition kit" which includes the petition and a handout that you can download and copy to leave with people who want more information.
If you want to organize an action like this and you have questions, contact me: Margaret Flowers 410-591-0892. It only takes a few hours and we found it a very rewarding experience.
****And don't forget to come to Washington, D.C. on July 30th to celebrate Medicare's Birthday!! Yes we can have Medicare for All! Go to for more info.****


1.      The petition is for HR 676: National Health Care Act introduced by Congressman John Conyers from Michigan. The bill has 83 co-sponsors at present--the most of any health care bill in the House.

2.      HR 676 would create a national health system based on the improvement and expansion of Medicare--a uniquely American plan that covers all people aged 65 and over.

3.      All people living in the United States would receive a medical card and would be able to receive needed medical care at any health provider or health facility in the U.S. It is truly universal: Everybody in and nobody out.

4.      The health system would include all needed outpatient and inpatient care, preventative services, prescription drugs and medical equipment, mental health services, dental, vision, substance abuse treatment and long term care.

5.      The United States currently spends 2 to 3 times more per person on health care than the other industrialized nations. The other nations have health systems that include everyone and have better health outcomes than the U.S.

6.      A national health system based on single payer financing in the U.S. would save more than a trillion dollars over a ten year period. It would end co-pays and deductibles which prevent patients from getting needed health care. It would end the more than 1 million medical bankruptcies which occur in the U.S. each year.

7.      Independent polls consistently demonstrate that the majority of the American population, including the majority of health care providers, prefer a national health system.

8.      There are 2 co-sponsors from Maryland so far: Congresswoman Donna Edwards and Congressman Elijah Cummings.

9.      Congressman Sarbanes has not signed on to HR 676 despite numerous meetings and requests. If you want Congressman Sarbanes to co-sponsor HR 676, please sign the petition and/or contact him at:

Mail: 600 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 600
Towson, MD 21204

Phone: 410-832-8890 or 202-225-4016
Fax: 202-225-9219

Healthcare-Now! of Maryland

MD chapter Physicians for a National Health Program

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