Call Congress Now! Ask them to support the Rep. Weiner, Rep. Kucinich, and Sen. Sanders amendments for single-payer healthcare. | Dear Healthcare-NOW! Supporter: Congress will vote on single-payer, Medicare-for-All soon! They need to hear from single-payer supporters from all over the country. While media coverage of the health reform debate is focused on the Senate Finance Committee's bill (which was largely drafted by current and former executives at Wellpoint, the nation's largest private health insurance company), several congressional votes on single-payer, Medicare-for-All loom on the horizon. You can help determine the outcome of these votes by calling Congress now. Ask them to support the Weiner, Kucinich, and Sanders amendments. Sometime in the next two or three weeks, Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) amendment to substitute single-payer legislation (along the lines of Rep. Conyers' H.R. 676) for the House leadership's bill, H.R. 3200, will come up for an up-or-down vote on the House floor. Additionally, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has secured a provision in H.R. 3200 that would allow individual states to adopt their own single-payer systems. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will introduce two single-payer amendments to the Senate bill, one to create a national single-payer plan, and the other to allows individual states to adopt single-payer. Contact Congress today and ask them to vote "yes" on the Weiner, Kucinich, and Sanders amendments for single-payer. Go here to call for free. It's easy, knows your Representatives, provides a simple call script, and is toll-free. Or, call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Thanks for all that you do, Healthcare-NOW! National Staff P.S. For more on the Kucinich and Weiner amendments, go here. Healthcare-NOW! survives on the generosity of our supporters. Please consider making a donation to support our efforts to pass HR 676 using our secure server. - Follow us on - | |
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