Friday, October 16, 2009

November 10th, Join... Senator Jamie Raskin & Delegate Roger Manno

SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday, November 10th, Join...

Senator Jamie Raskin & Delegate Roger Manno And Our Great Host Committee
of Reformers: Delegate Heather Mizeur, Alice Wilkerson and Joseph
Gordon, Amanda Schiabor, Dan Furmansky, Dana Beyer, David Moon, Eric
Luedtke, Esther Gelman, Greg Smith, Howard and Diana Kohn, Jay and Anna
Keller, Jeremiah Lowery, Marc Korman, Marie Ritzo and Norm Gleichman,
Marlana Valdez, Mary Boyle and Casey Anderson, Michael Sriqui, Mike
Hersh, Mike Tabor, Navid Nasr, Rob Richie and Cynthia Terrell, Seth
Grimes, Stephen Spaulding, Susan Schreiber, Wally Malakoff.. and more!
...As We Help Common Cause Maryland Get Money out of Politics and Pizza
in Your Stomach

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Roscoe's Pizzeria
7040 Carroll Ave
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Enjoy drinks and gourmet pizza at a fabulous new restaurant in Old Town
Takoma. Funds go to benefit Common Cause Maryland as we prepare for our
upcoming effort to enact public campaign financing for the General Assembly.

With the Supreme Court threatening to overturn 50 years of campaign
finance law, it's more important than ever that we make progress in the
states. One of the best chances will be in Maryland this coming year.
It's time for the people to own the election process, not corporations
and lobbyists.

With your support, we can win in 2010!

$25 – Roscoe Reformer
$50 – Democracy Defender
$100 – Clean Money Champion

RSVP to or call (410) 269-6888


Ryan O'Donnell
Executive Director
Common Cause Maryland
(410) 269-6888
(413) 335-9824 cell

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