Sunday, October 11, 2009

Health Reform Phonebank TOMORROW 10/12 7 PM

From Tony Hausner:

With Congressional floor action soon, these calls could be extremely

Please respond by clicking on link I am getting a lot of
support for this event from the White House's Organizing for America
( If you cannot attend, please sign up on this web
site so you can participate in other events.


Event Name: Health Reform Phonebank
Description: We will call people in key states, so that they can
influence some of the key senators or congressional reps on voting for
reform legislation. The people to call is still to be determined.
Cosponsors of this event include the Greater Silver Spring Democratic
Club, Hillraisers, Delegates Mizeur, Manno and Hucker, Councilmembers
Leventhal and Ervin, Donna Graham, Emily Ackerman, Mark Woodard,
Patricia MacTaggart, Rachel Lemberg, Tina Slater, Darian Unger, and Mike

Time: Monday, October 12 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Host: tony hausner
Contact Phone: 301-5876943
Location: Indian Spring Neighborhood (Silver Spring, MD)
9717 Lawndale Drive Silver Spring, MD 20901

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