Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Call and email Thursday, April 1 STOP Backdoor Vouchers aka "Boast"

Call and email Thursday, April 1 Oppose House Bill #946 Backdoor
Vouchers aka "Boast"

Why it's important: My friends in education tell me H.B. 946 is a real
threat to public education. Incredibly, this bill is likely to pass into
law this session--despite the fiscal crisis. As a matter of practicality
and principle, we have to support our public schools as much as
possible. Money for vouchers does nothing to help public schools or
public school students. This fosters a sense of "no confidence."

Please forward this to all your contacts in Maryland. My apologies if
you've seen this before, but we've been writing for the past few weeks
about this bill which is coming up for a vote most likely Thursday April
1--no April Fools! We have to act TODAY so please call and email now
(email and phone info. below).

Contact as many of the delegates you can, but at least contact your own
delegate if he or she is on the Committee. (there are 5 articles, a
section on writing letters to the editor, some talking points, all
offered to help and suggests points to make in your communication. It
looks like a lot of information, but many of you have seen some or most
it before. Do as much as you can to help. If you can cc. your
communications to the press, that could have an impact as well. (See
contact info. for local papers below).

We've been calling and emailing State Delegates and the Governor, and we
need to increase the number of calls and emails.

Your job is to tell the delegates your views on these important issues.
The delegates' job is to listen to you, and if they respond well to your
advocacy, they should vote the way you ask them to on this HB 946.

It's not hard to get your point across effectively. Please use your own
words, and freely adapt the information below. Pick the 3 points of 4
ideas that most closely represent your own views, don't try to
communicate all the points in one email.Here's an example (use other
points listed below as you think best, the key is a thoughtful, strongly
held commitment to principle and pragmatism:

If you're a constituent, make sure the Delegate or Staffer knows that.
Emphasize your concerns about vouchers undermining public schools in
your district (mention the schools you know best by name, indicate if
you, a sibling, child or other relative attended that school or taught
at that school), specifically ask why this school is not deserving of
more funding--for music, sports, art, other popular or necessary
programs if the Boast Bill gives away public money to private schools
which they use for religious instruction.

Remind the delegate that Marylanders strongly oppose this proposed use
of public funds for non-public schools. Studies prove vouchers are not a
solution to any problems in schools. Again, use your own
words--especially when emailing. Repetitive emails get less attention.
Please do not just forward this email to them. Explain why you oppose
HB946 (Boast) for your own reasons, but feel free to use some of the
points below.


H.B. 946 is a real threat to public schools. It's already passed the
Maryland State Senate, and is moving toward passage in the House of

Please call and write Governor O'Malley and the key delegates (see below
for their contact information and specifics about this pending

As a matter of principle, public money should not support teaching
religious doctrine. Thanks to the many who called and sent emails. It's
time to do that again. Why? We're hearing from people involved they're
facing pressure from the pro-religious school activists. The callers for
HB946 are matching or even surpassing our own! We have to make one more
concerted effort. Stand up for Maryland's "best in the nations schools,"
so we can build on the successes we've had. We must and oppose any Bill
that undermines our educational strength and success just as a matter of
rewarding success and helping public schools meet their needs.


Candidate for Maryland Delegate Dana Beyer (D-18) writes:
This is a follow-up on the BOAST bill, HB946, the tax credit voucher
plan for private and parochial schools with the $50M price tag which the
Governor seems to want this election year. My contacts in the House tell
me that pressure would be most effective going to the Governor.

Please contact the Governor: for
email access, or call 410.974.3901.
They're hearing a lot more from the supporters, with pressure building
every year.




ADDITIONAL Points and Ideas below the contact information.


Please contact your own delegates, and the Ways and Means Committee
members you know personally. Email them ASAP, and also please make a
personal phone call. Find the links to get their phone numbers, a list
of their email addresses, points to make--everything you need--provided

If you see one of your delegates listed below, please mention you're a
constituent when you register your opinion.

House Ways and Means Committee members (hyper-linked to their General
Assembly web page that has their phone numbers):
Sheila E. Hixson , Chair
Ann Marie Doory , Vice-Chair
Joseph R. Bartlett
Kumar P. Barve
Joseph C. Boteler III
Jon S. Cardin
D. Page Elmore
C. William Frick
Ronald A. George
James W. Gilchrist
Carolyn J. B. Howard
Jolene Ivey
Anne R. Kaiser
Peter F. Murphy
LeRoy E. Myers, Jr.
John A. Olszewski, Jr.
Craig L. Rice
Justin D. Ross
Christopher B. Shank
Melvin L. Stukes
Frank S. Turner
Jay Walker

Here are the email addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Please contact these key delegates (on the) and urge them to vote
against HB 946 (The "Boast" Bill):
Anne Kaiser (D-14) Burtonsville, MD
Jim Gilcrist (D-17) Mont. Cty
Jolene Ivey (D-47) PG Cty
Craig Rice (D-15) Mont. Cty
John Olszewski (D-6) Balt. Cty
LeRoy Myers (D-1) Hagerstown

Thank you,

Mike Hersh


From the League of Women Voters of Maryland:
Call Your Delegates Now on the BOAST Bill: A Private School Voucher Bill
in Disguise

This BOAST bill is a private school voucher bill in disguise to be voted
on in the House Committee this week. Tell your House Delegates to VOTE
NO on HB 946.

Oppose HB 946 - Building Opportunities for All Students and Teachers
(BOAST) in Maryland Tax Credit. This bill would entitle certain students
to tuition scholarships (vouchers) to attend nonpublic schools in
Maryland and would provide tax credits to organizations that provide the
scholarships. In a stressed economy, it is irresponsible for Maryland to
create a tax credit that diminishes our state resources for our public
schools and other vital services. If the program is funded at a level
similar to programs in other states, expenditures could increase by $50
million each year.

FYI - The BOAST legislation has been introduced several times in the
recent past. I t has passed the Senate several times, including this
morning. The House bill has been heard in the Ways and Means Committee
today . In the past, Chairman Sheila Hixson has held the bill back from
a vote, but this year with half of her committee as bill sponsors, we
believe she will bring it to a committee vote. The outlook is
frightening so it is IMPERATIVE that you immediately contact your
county's delegates on the ways and Means Committee.


From Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty:
As an honors graduate of a Catholic high school I am strongly opposed to
the bill in the Maryland legislature (H.B.946) that would divert millions of
dollars annually in public support to faith-based private schools.

This bill is unconscionable in view of the financial plight of our
state's public schools and colleges. Maryland voters defeated similar
measures at the polls twice in the 1970s, and given oft-repeated similar
referendum defeats for measures like this across the country, there is no
reason to believe our state's voters have changed their minds.

This proposed legislation would subsidize the division of our youth
along creedal lines by aiding private schools that commonly practice forms
of discrimination and indoctrination that would be intolerable in public

Edd Doerr, President
Americans for Religious Liberty
P.O. Box 6656
Silver Spring, MD 20916


From Jon A. Gerson, UniServ Director and Director of Community
Outreach, Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA):

• This tax credit scheme is a backdoor approach to providing vouchers to
parents of kids in nonpublic schools by subsidizing tuition at private
and religious schools with public tax dollars through the tax credit.

• MSTA opposes any and all programs that move public tax dollars to
non-public schools, which this legislation accomplishes through tax credits.

• The research in Arizona, Illinois, and Pennsylvania shows that the
greatest beneficiaries of tax credit programs are wealthier tax payers
and schools in middle and upper income neighborhoods.

• As with vouchers, tuition tax credits provide funds to nonpublic
schools without regard to the schools' entrance policies. Some private
schools do and would continue to deny entrance to certain students.

• Tuition tax credit programs inappropriately transfer to corporations
the authority to decide where public tax dollars will be allocated. It
is the job of the elected General Assembly to target valuable State
resources to proven, researched programs to improve student achievement.

• Patterns on the usage of tuition tax credits in other states show that
the beneficiaries of these credits are most often existing private
school students. A study by the non-partisan RAND Corp. concluded that
tuition tax subsidies rarely benefit poor children.

• These programs are not a strategy for improving public schools, do
little for public school students, and divert revenue that otherwise
could be available to invest in public schools.

• Nonpublic schools that would benefit from a tuition tax credit program
are not accountable to the public in the way that public schools are by
having to disclose data on student achievement, attendance, graduation
and dropout rates, and other relevant basic information. Additionally,
it is legitimate to assume that corporations could abuse the tax credits
to benefit themselves or their "favorite" private schools.

• The proposal recently put forth in Maryland has inappropriately
established MSDE as the administrator of tax credits, a function not
currently within its purview. It is a major policy shift for the state
to allow MSDE to make tax eligibility determinations. Personal and
corporate tax liability should remain within the purview of
Comptroller's office.

• Despite cuts to Federal, State and Local public school funding,
schools must still meet the rigid unfunded mandates of the Federal No
Child Left Behind Act and, beginning with this year's graduating
seniors, students must pass Maryland's High School Assessments to graduate.

• While Maryland continues to face a budget deficit, it cannot
responsibly afford to lose revenue through a tuition tax credit that
subsidize private school tuition.


From Mike Tabor (Progressive Working Group:
Subject: The position of the Archbishop on the BOAST bill

It seems to be this: Just give us the money and be quiet. I was at the
hearing and heard stronger language from him than mentioned in the Sun
article with regard to any change in the bill that would prohibit
beneficiaries from discriminating on the basis of sexual preference.
Committee members Jolene Ivey (a cosponsor of the bill) of Prince
George's and Craig Rice (not a cosponsor) of Montgomery asked him about
this. Another committee cosponsor (Justin Ross of Prince George's) asked
another proponent essentially the same question and got brushed aside.
Maybe Ivey and Ross can be persuaded to oppose the bill in committee
because of this:,0,6144607.story

By the way, despite what he says, the Archbishop's schools (which are
the biggest beneficiaries of the BOAST bill) obviously turn out people
who don't like same sex marriage:


Date: Sunday, April 25, 2010
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Jackie's Restaurant, 8081 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD


Every 6 Minutes tells the fictional story of Annie Cummings, a college
student in Ohio, who innocently unravels the story of two young female
soldiers who were raped and allegedly committed suicide in Iraq in 2007.
Annie also learns to come to terms with the fact that she herself was
date raped and through a series of bizarre circumstances realizes that
she is the best person to tell their story. In the process, we learn
what happens to many women both in and out of the military in regard to
sexual assault.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

House committee rejects teacher pension shift, other Senate budget actions

Saturday, March 27, 2010

House committee rejects teacher pension shift, other Senate budget actions

By Andy Rosen

The House budget committee roundly rejected a Senate proposal to hand off half of the state’s responsibility for teacher pensions within five years, one of a series of decisions that will lead to difficult negotiations between the two chambers.

The House Appropriations committee unanimously rejected the change, and also scaled back a plan to divert state and local highway money toward general expenses. Those changes were two major components of the close to $32 billion spending plan the Senate passed this week.

The House and Senate also are at odds over how much to dedicate to stem cell research and whether to take money from the reserves of the state’s worker’s compensation fund. The House committee also eliminated the legislative scholarships that are popular perks with the senators, as reported.

The Senate action on teacher pensions and highway funds would have had little impact on this year’s budget, but they would have ultimately lopped off half of a $2 billion ongoing deficit. However, both proposals would have been hard on county governments that, like the state, are struggling with revenue drops. The House committee’s budget plan takes less from local governments.

The committee rejected the pension shift without discussion, but Del. John Bohanan, D-St. Mary's, later said members had discussed the change after the Senate action.

“I think there’s a strong sentiment that it’s hard to do that with a short amount of time here and not a lot of notice to the counties,” he said. “If we’re going to do something like that, we have to do it comprehensively.”

In what has become an annual battle, the House and Senate are again differing over how much to put into the state’s stem cell research program. The Senate had voted to cut Gov. Martin O’Malley’s proposal from $12.4 million to $6.2 million for fiscal 2011, but the House voted to maintain the cash.

The two chambers also disagree on whether to take $20 million from the Injured Workers Insurance Fund. The Senate rejected the fund transfer last week, but the House committee voted to take the money for the general fund.

Analysts said the transfer would leave $267 million in IWIF’s reserve, but opponents wondered whether the transfer was the best use of the money.

“It’s really not our money. It belongs to businesses in the state of Maryland,” said Del. John Wood, D-Charles and St. Mary’s. “They’re the ones who paid it in, and they’re the ones who need help.”

The House also wants to reverse a Senate demand that the Maryland Transit Administration go back and study different options for the Red and Purple Line projects now being considered for Baltimore and the Washington suburbs.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Act now to stop "backdoor" school voucher bill

Act now to stop "backdoor" school voucher bill--please share with all
Maryland contacts. Thank you!

From Dana Beyer, (Progressive Working Group/Candidate for House of
To those concerned with the implication of HB 946 a "backdoor" school
voucher bill designed to give tax credits (rather than direct funding)
to parochial and day schools.

This bill has to be voted up or down this week. It's in the Education
Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee.

So, there's still time for you to email your opposition to the bill.
Here's the names and emails of the sub-committee members:

Anne Kaiser (D-14) Burtonsville, MD
Jim Gilcrist (D-17) Mont. Cty
Jolene Ivey (D-47) PG Cty
Craig Rice (D-15) Mont. Cty
John Olszewski (D-6) Balt. Cty
LeRoy Myers (D-1) Hagerstown

From Mike Tabor (Progressive Working Group:
Subject: The position of the Archbishop on the BOAST bill

It seems to be this: Just give us the money and be quiet. I was at the
hearing and heard stronger language from him than mentioned in the Sun
article with regard to any change in the bill that would prohibit
beneficiaries from discriminating on the basis of sexual preference.
Committee members Jolene Ivey (a cosponsor of the bill) of Prince
George's and Craig Rice (not a cosponsor) of Montgomery asked him about
this. Another committee cosponsor (Justin Ross of Prince George's)
asked another proponent essentially the same question and got brushed
aside. Maybe Ivey and Ross can be persuaded to oppose the bill in
committee because of this:,0,6144607.story

By the way, despite what he says, the Archbishop's schools (which are
the biggest beneficiaries of the BOAST bill) obviously turn out people
who don't like same sex marriage:

I like the alert message on this bill from the League of Women Voters of

Call Your Delegates Now on the BOAST Bill: A Private School Voucher Bill
in Disguise

This BOAST bill is a private school voucher bill in disguise to be voted
on in the House Committee this week. Tell your House Delegates to VOTE
NO on HB 946.

Oppose HB 946 - Building Opportunities for All Students and Teachers
(BOAST) in Maryland Tax Credit. This bill would entitle certain
students to tuition scholarships (vouchers) to attend nonpublic schools
in Maryland and would provide tax credits to organizations that provide
the scholarships. In a stressed economy, it is irresponsible for
Maryland to create a tax credit that diminishes our state resources for
our public schools and other vital services. If the program is funded
at a level similar to programs in other states, expenditures could
increase by $50 million each year.

FYI - The BOAST legislation has been introduced several times in the
recent past. I t has passed the Senate several times, including this
morning. The House bill has been heard in the Ways and Means Committee
today . In the past, Chairman Sheila Hixson has held the bill back from
a vote, but this year with half of her committee as bill sponsors, we
believe she will bring it to a committee vote. The outlook is
frightening so it is IMPERATIVE that you immediately contact your
county's delegates on the ways and Means Committee as listed below.

House Ways and Means Committee:
Delegates Proctor, Walker, Vallario, Anderson, Aumann, Bartlett, Bates,
Beidle, Beitzel, Benson, Bohanan, Boteler, Burns, Conaway, Conway,
Davis, DeBoy, Donoghue, Doory, Dumais, Eckardt, Elliott, Elmore, Frank,
Frush, Gaines, George, Glenn, Haddaway, Hammen, Haynes, Heller, Holmes,
Hubbard, Ivey, James, Jameson, Jennings, Kach, Kelly, King, Kipke,
Krebs, Krysiak, Kullen, Levi, Levy, Malone, Mathias, McConkey, McHale,
Miller, Minnick, Myers, O'Donnell, Oaks, Ramirez, Robinson, Rosenberg,
Ross, Schuh, Shank, Shewell, Sophocleus, Sossi, Stocksdale, Stukes,
Stull, Tarrant, Taylor, V. Turner, Valderrama, Vaughn, Weir, and Wood

Monday, March 22, 2010

Make 3 Calls for Secure, Accessible, Verifiable Elections in Maryland

From Shelley Fudge of (share with ALL contacts in

We have just learned from friendly General Assembly members that an
effort is underway to call for an independent cost study that would
compare the costs of buying a new paper-based voting system with keeping
the current paperless Diebold touchscreens on life support for next
fall's elections. BUT we need to mobilize as many people as possible
very quickly to make calls to a few key House Delegates on the House
Appropriations Committee to press for action. The committee is to vote
very soon on the budget and so this needs to be done quickly--and phone
calls are best at this late point in the process.

Thanks very much!

Brief background: the touchscreen machines are more expensive than paper
ballot voting, read by optical scanning machines. Optical scanning
readers are used for everything from many state lottery systems to the
SATs. They're basic, reliable and provide a clear and permanent ballot
which can be audited, recounted, etc. Touchscreen aka DRE machines are
subject to human error, tampering, power outages and other circumstances
which can lead to long lines, lost votes, and frustration. They're
expensive, complex, and cannot be recounted or accurately audited in
case of error or suspected hacking. The Maryland General Assembly, aware
of these concerns, voted unanimously to switch over to paper ballot
voting, read by optical scanning machines in time for the elections and
primaries this year. But something has gone terrible wrong. Read on for
the details of what happened and how we can get back on track for
Secure, Accessible, Verifiable Elections in Maryland.

See the notice below for the phone numbers and talking points you can
use when making your calls. Note, the numbers are the same, the
exchanges are different for each delegate. -- Mike Hersh

From Rebecca Wilson also of

URGENT: Calls needed ASAP for verifiable elections in MD

It is critical for as many people as possible make calls today or
tomorrow to ask the MD House Appropriations Committee to call for an
independent cost study of our voting system equipment in this year's
Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act (BRFA) – to determine the true
costs of purchasing a new reliable, verifiable voting equipment for
future elections.

As you probably know, Maryland was supposed to get a new voting system
before this fall's elections that would provide a voter-verifiable paper
ballot that could be used for recounts or audits to ensure that votes
are counted accurately and that election results are correct.

But even though current MD law requires that a new voting system be in
place in time for the 2010 elections -- and despite the fact that the MD
State Board of Elections (SBE) has had 3 years to make this happen --
the SBE has used about every excuse in the book to derail this change.

Every year they try a different ploy, and this year's excuse is the
budget. While we all know that both the state's and counties' budgets
are strained to the breaking point this year, we also know that the new
optical scan voting system will be far cheaper to operate than our
current, labor-intensive touch-screen voting system.

The SBE presented cost estimates to Governor O'Malley that inflated the
cost of an op-scan system while vastly understating the costs of
operating the existing voting equipment. In this tight budget year, the
governor could not find the money to meet the SBE's projected costs for
the new system. (For more details, see the Gazette article at

Now that it's too late to buy the new voting system for next fall, the
SBE is requesting the true amount they need to conduct the 2010
elections with the existing equipment -- and it's about double what they
told the governor it would cost! In fact, it's about the same amount it
would cost for a truly conscientious elections administrator to buy and
implement a new reliable and recountable optical scan voting system.

Are you fed up with the SBE's fuzzy math? Isn't it time to get some true
estimates of the real costs of moving forward with a new voting system?

Please call these MD House Delegates immediately:
• Del. Clagett (Chair, Public Safety & Administration subcommittee,
which oversees the SBE's budget) 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3436
• Del. DeBoy (Vice-chair, Public Safety & Administration subcommittee)
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3328
• Del. Conway (Chair, House Appropriations Committee) 1-800-492-7122,
ext. 3407

Ask them to require the state government (through the MD Department of
Legislative Services) to conduct an independent review of voting system
costs his year. The study should compare the costs of continuing to
operate the current untrustworthy paperless Diebold voting machines to
the cost of buying and implementing a new reliable, verifiable
paper-based one.

The reason for the independent review is that the SBE's cost projections
have greatly exaggerated the costs of purchasing a new voting system,
and kept the true cost for keeping the aging Diebold touchscreens on
life support hidden. (They claimed that the operating costs would be
about $4 million for the current system, but instead they are asking for
$8.4 million for FY2010 & FY2011 -- in addition to the $2 million they
have already grabbed that was allocated last year to buy the new voting
system. In December, they claimed that it would cost $360 each to buy
new voting booths, when in fact we could buy new voting privacy screens
for as little as $7 each.)

Please call immediately as soon as you read this -- budget decisions are
being made right now! Please spread the word to everyone you know --
every phone call is important! We need to take this action to ensure
that the SBE doesn't pull the wool over the eyes of our elections
officials next time around, so we can get a new verifiable voting system
in place for the 2012 elections. For more information about the true
costs of operating MD's voting system, including a cost analysis by
SAVEourVotes, go to

Thank you for everything you do to protect Maryland's elections!

Rebecca Wilson

SAVE our Votes is a nonpartisan grassroots organization working for
Secure, Accessible, Verifiable Elections in Maryland.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ACT NOW for secure elections in Maryland!

From Rebecca Wilson of (share with ALL contacts in

Hello friends of verifiable elections,

As you probably know, Maryland was supposed to get a new voting system
before this fall's elections that would provide a voter-verifiable paper
ballot that could be used for recounts or audits to ensure that votes
are counted accurately and that election results are correct.

But even though the law says the new system is supposed to be in place
in time for the 2010 elections -- and despite the fact that the State
Board of Elections has had 3 years to make this happen -- SBE has used
about every excuse in the book to derail this change.

Every year they try a different ploy, and this year's excuse is the
budget. Now we all know that both the state's and counties' budgets are
strained to the breaking point this year. But we also know that the new
optical scan voting system will be far cheaper to operate than our
current, labor-intensive touch-screen voting system.

The SBE presented cost estimates to the governor that inflated the cost
of an op-scan system while vastly understating the costs of operating
the existing voting equipment. In this tight budget year, the governor
could not find the money to meet the SBE's projected costs for the new
system. (For more details, see this Gazette article:

Now that it's too late to buy the new voting system, the SBE is
requesting the true amount they need to conduct the 2010 elections with
the existing equipment -- and it's about double what they claimed it
would cost! In fact, it's about the same amount it would cost for a
truly conscientious elections administrator to buy and implement an
optical scan voting system.

Are you fed up with the SBE's fuzzy math? Isn't it time to get some true
estimates of the real costs of moving forward with a new voting system?

Please call these delegates immediately:

* Del. Clagett (Chair, Public Safety & Administration subcommittee,
which oversees the SBE's budget) 1-800-492-7122 Ext. 3436
* DeBoy (Vice-chair, Public Safety & Administration subcommittee)
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3328
* Del. Conway (Chair, House Appropriations Committee)
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3407

Ask them to have the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) conduct an
independent review of voting system costs -- both the costs of
continuing to operate the current voting system and of buying and
implementing a new one. The reason for the independent review is that
the SBE's cost projections have been unreliable -- they said the
operating costs would be about $4 million for the current system but
instead they are asking for $8.4 million for FY10 & FY11 -- in addition
to the $2 million they have already grabbed that was allocated last year
to buy the new voting system.

Please call immediately as soon as you read this -- budget decisions are
being made right now! You'll be speaking with an aide who will take the
message, so please be polite and clear about what you are asking for.
Please email me and let me know what kinds of responses you get. And
please spread the word to everyone you know -- every phone call is

Thank you for everything you do to protect Maryland's elections!

Rebecca Wilson

SAVE our Votes is a nonpartisan grassroots organization working for
Secure, Accessible, Verifiable Elections in Maryland.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Phonebanks for Healthcare

Jason Waskey writes: We need as much help as possible to help bring
Health Insurance Reform over the finish line.
Volunteers will be making calls into the districts of undecided
Representatives to drum up support for a "yes" vote.

Wed 3/17
Silver Spring:

Thur 3/18
Silver Spring:
Severna Park:

Jason Waskey
Maryland State Director
Organizing for America

Re: Friday Yes Men Movie fundraiser Baltimore 7 pm

Jason Waskey writes: We need as much help as possible to help bring
Health Insurance Reform over the finish line.

Volunteers will be making calls into the districts of undecided
Representatives to drum up support for a "yes" vote.

Wed 3/17
Silver Spring:

Thur 3/18
Silver Spring:
Severna Park:

Jason Waskey
Maryland State Director
Organizing for America

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TODAY! Weds March 17 Healthcare Vigil on Capitol Hill

Join our Vigil for REAL Healthcare reform on Capitol Hill Noon TODAY Wednesday March 17th.  Please share with all your local contacts.

Help us tell Congress not to give in to insurance company demands OR Blue Dog demands to water down reform.

Donna Smith (Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair, featured in Michael Moore's movie SiCKO), Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and other peace and justice groups in Maryland, Washington D.C. and Virginia will hold a Brown Bag Lunch Vigil on Capitol Hill.

The message? "Healthcare not Warfare - Medicare for All!"   RSVP Here.

When: TODAY! Wednesday, March 17th from Noon to about 1 PM

Where:  Independence Ave. in front of the Rayburn House Office Building

We suggest taking the Metro to the
Walking Directions. Area Map. More Info. Contact: 773-617-4493
Get your BBLV supplies herecheck out our new union-made signs!

We hope you can participate in March 17th’s BBLV and others in the months to come.

In hopes of peace,

Tim Carpenter, PDA National Director
Donna Smith, Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair
Andrea Miller, PDA Virginia Co-Coordinator
Mike Hersh, PDA Maryland Coordinator
Conor Boylan, PDA National Field Coordinator.

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Lila Garrett.

More info | Find Chapters | Find Local Events | Spread the Progressive Word—Shop PDAstore  

Join a PDA Issue Organizing Team

Friday Yes Men Movie fundraiser Baltimore 7 pm

Dear Friends,

Please join us this Friday night for the new Yes Men Movie (check out
the trailer here: ). Mike Bonanno of
the Yes Men and star in the movie, will be on hand for the show and we
will follow with an update on where the single payer movement will go
next. Show begins at 7 pm at the historic Senator Theater, 5940 York Rd
in Baltimore. Tickets are $8. Please tell your friends and family.

And here is an article from The Denver Post about Canadian Health Care:


Monday, March 15, 2010

Meet Rep. John Conyers Jr. Live this week in DC

Join Rep. John Conyers and WPFW radio hosts 7 PM Tuesday, March 16 at Ben's Next Door.
1213 U St. NW, Washington, DC 20009 Short walk from U Street Metro (Green Line).

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: John Conyers Jr. Live this week
From: Garland <>

Come out to Ben's Next Door (next to Ben's Chili Bowl) this Tuesday (March 16th)  at 7PM. John Conyers Jr. will be in the house guest hosting live with me and Terry Kester. Spread the word!

Thanks, Garland

Weds March 17 Healthcare Vigil on Capitol Hill

Join our Vigil for REAL Healthcare reform on Capitol Hill Wednesday March 17th. Please share with all your local contacts.

We need a good showing to tell Congress not to give in to insurance company demands OR Blue Dog demands to water down reform.

Donna Smith (Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair, featured in Michael Moore's movie SiCKO), Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and other peace and justice groups in Maryland, Washington D.C. and Virginia will hold a Brown Bag Lunch Vigil on Capitol Hill.

The message? "Healthcare not Warfare - Medicare for All!"   RSVP Here.

Wednesday, March 17th from Noon to about 1 PM

Where:  Independence Ave. in front of the Rayburn House Office Building

We suggest taking the Metro to the
Walking Directions. Area Map. More Info. Contact: 773-617-4493
Get your BBLV supplies herecheck out our new union-made signs!

We hope you can participate in March 17th’s BBLV and others in the months to come.

In hopes of peace,

Tim Carpenter, PDA National Director
Donna Smith, Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair
Andrea Miller, PDA Virginia Co-Coordinator
Mike Hersh, PDA Maryland Coordinator
Conor Boylan, PDA National Field Coordinator.

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Lila Garrett.

More info | Find Chapters | Find Local Events | Spread the Progressive Word—Shop PDAstore  

Join a PDA Issue Organizing Team

Sunday, March 14, 2010

TOMORROW! Demand Public Option in DC

DFA calls for Public Option tomorrow, Monday March 15, 11 AM to 1 PM
Outside Cannon House Office Building at 1st Street & C Streets (near
Capitol South Metro stop)

Hi all,

The public option has been declared dead several times, but it just
keeps coming back! Almost 50 Senators are for it (based on PCCC's
conversations) and a majority of the House of Reps. So let's demand that
Speaker Pelosi include it in the reconciliation bill.

Tomorrow, we will serve as DFA ambassadors to deliver a letter to
targeted House members from Reps. Polis and Pingree, urging the
inclusion of the public option in the House reconciliation bill.

Where: Outside Cannon House Office Building at 1st Street & C Streets,
SE, at the benches (just across the street from Capitol South metro)
When: Monday, March 15 11AM - 1PM.

Please let me know if you will join us!


Vigil for Healthcare NOT Warfare on Capitol Hill Wednesday March 17th.

Join our Vigil for Healthcare NOT Warfare on Capitol Hill Wednesday March 17th. Please share with all your local contacts.

Donna Smith (Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair, featured in Michael Moore's movie SiCKO), Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and other peace and justice groups in Maryland, Washington D.C. and Virginia will hold a Brown Bag Lunch Vigil on Capitol Hill.

The message? "Healthcare not Warfare - Medicare for All!"   RSVP Here.

Wednesday, March 17th from Noon to about 1 PM

Where:  Independence Ave. in front of the Rayburn House Office Building

We suggest taking the Metro to the
Walking Directions. Area Map. More Info. Contact: 773-617-4493
Get your BBLV supplies herecheck out our new union-made signs!

We hope you can participate in March 17th’s BBLV and others in the months to come.

In hopes of peace,

Tim Carpenter, PDA National Director
Donna Smith, Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair
Andrea Miller, PDA Virginia Co-Coordinator
Mike Hersh, PDA Maryland Coordinator
Conor Boylan, PDA National Field Coordinator.

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Lila Garrett.

More info | Find Chapters | Find Local Events | Spread the Progressive Word—Shop PDAstore  

Join a PDA Issue Organizing Team

Friday, March 12, 2010

TONIGHT! UDC HEALTHCARE Justice Cafe 6-10 pm

UDC Justice Café 6 to 10 p.m. Friday March 12, 2010
supporting peace, environmental and social justice activists and organizations

Firebird Inn Building 39, B-Level - 4200 Conn. Ave NW
Just above the Van Ness/UDC Metro Station (red line)

Suggested donation $15 / $10 students / $5 kids. No one turned away for lack of donation.
Music by local performers! Food by Kit's Catering! Beer, Wine, Tabling, Progressive Networking!
Kit now owns Gail's Vegetarian Catering and provides a variety of foods, specializing in vegan meals. Contact her for catering needs: 301-949-7602

Performers, Showcase your talents! Organizations: Reserve your free table!

Hosted by the University of the District of Columbia David Clarke School of Law
Next Cafe: April 2nd with Special Discussion of "Rights at Risk"

Talk on Healthcare with: Dr. Margaret Flowers, MD (Maryland Physicians for a National Health Program, Baucus 8)

Live performers:
*Margaret Flowers will perform songs with Gary Flowers and Diane Wittner and
Gee / George Dawson III, graduate Duke Ellington School of the Arts, toured with Duke Ellington Show and Concert Choirs.
*Mike Bowers, Singer/Songwriter and UDC law student will mix the music and perform favorites for voice and guitar. See: 

Expected Tablers: dc funk the war organizing project / dc rising tide collective * * EcolocityDC * Maryland Physicians for a National Health Program * Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light * Backbone Campaign * DC Childcare Collective * Physicians for a National Health Program * David A. Clarke School of Law * Progressive Democrats of America * Choices (alternatives to military recruitment) * DC for Democracy * Gray Panthers,Washington, DC *  Wilfredo Bohorquez (Author) * The Wendt Center * Democratic Socialists of America * More! Free table in April, contact:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Duchy @ the Diner Friday morning March 19th starting at 8:00 AM

Hello Friends!

Please see the email below for details about "Duchy @ the Diner" and
then I hope you will consider attending this event for the opportunity
to hear from and chat with Montgomery County Councilmember Duchy
Trachtenberg on Friday morning, March 19th at the Silver Diner on
Rockville Pike.

I am honored to work for Duchy and I am the organizer of this "Duchy @
the Diner" event so I would love to see all of you there and would
further encourage you to bring along your friends and neighbors too! :-)

Please call me, either at work (240.777.7830) or on my iPhone
(240.328.8962), if you need any further details OR to let me know that
you are joining us! :-)

Thank you so much!

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Bloch, Naomi
<> wrote:

Hi All,

Come meet Councilmember Duchy Trachtenberg at the Silver Diner, on
Rockville Pike, in Rockville, on Friday morning March 19th starting at
8:00 AM to hear the latest update on the Montgomery County's budget
shortfall and bring any questions and concerns you have for
Councilmember Trachtenberg.

See the link below for directions to The Silver Diner on Rockville Pike:

Councilmember Trachtenberg (D-At Large) was elected to the Montgomery
County Council in 2006. She is Chair of the Management and Fiscal Policy
(MFP) Committee, which has jurisdiction over economic and fiscal policy;
spending affordability; County Government administrative departments;
cable and telecommunications issues; technology issues; personnel and
compensation issues; and other matters. Councilmember Trachtenberg also
serves on the Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee.

As MFP Chair, Councilmember Trachtenberg has a particular responsibility
for stewardship of the County's fiscal health. She has made community
needs and results-based practices the foundation of her effort to put
people first as decisions are made over spending and government
priorities. She guides the yearly budget-making process to ensure the
protection of the County's long-term stability and the funding of
essential priorities, with transparency, equity and fiscal responsibility.

As the only Councilmember trained as a public health professional,
Councilmember Trachtenberg has a special interest in the delivery of
health and addiction treatment services, services for victims of
domestic violence and their families, health and wellness policies and
family justice. Her landmark regulation prohibiting the use of
artificial trans fats in Montgomery County restaurants was the first
such action in the United States adopted on a county level.

Councilmember Trachtenberg helped lead the effort to reform the County's
disability retirement to preserve the critical disability retirement
benefit and protect employee access to best medical practices; broaden
coverage for workers with varying degrees of disability; and ensure that
disability retirement procedures are based on a sound public health

Councilmember Trachtenberg holds a Masters Degree in Social Work, and
maintained a private practice specializing in adolescent addiction prior
to being elected to office. She is a past Governing Councilor and Chair
of the Alternative Medicine Section within the American Public Health
Association (APHA). Ms. Trachtenberg helped develop a state-wide Court
Watch program which has earned recognition in the domestic violence
advocacy community.

From the outset of her term on the County Council, Councilmember
Trachtenberg has advocated for a Family Justice Center to bring a
coordinated effective means of responding to the victims of domestic
violence. The basis of the Family Justice Center is a one-stop-shop
approach to responding to domestic violence, eliminating the burden on
victims to travel, frequently on poorly scheduled buses, to offices
throughout the County for different services, which can take days or
even weeks to fully engage. The Montgomery County Family Justice Center
recently opened and in these past seven months has served over 1000
families from over 100 countries.

Councilmember Trachtenberg had been an effective grassroots activist for
over twenty years on women's equality, mental health concerns and public
health issues. She offers a strong track record of successful community
networking and believes building coalitions is an effective tool in
bringing about political reform.

Her dynamic leadership style reflects her genuine commitment to full
equality for all women and she sat for several terms on the Board of
Directors of the National Organization for Women as the Mid-Atlantic
Regional Director and also for six years as a Progressive Maryland board
member. During the 2008 presidential election she traveled as a campaign
surrogate for Barack Obama and served on presidential transition task
forces on both mental health and women's issues. Ms. Trachtenberg is the
past co-chair (founding) of the Women's Leadership Network of the
Maryland Democratic Party. She also served as a Women's Issues Advisor
for the Dean Presidential Campaign in 2003-2004.

Councilmember Trachtenberg has received numerous honors and distinctions
including the Spirit Award for Humanitarian Advocate from the National
Center for Children and Families (NCCF), the "Heroes" Award from the
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) of Montgomery County, the
"Ally for Equality" Award from Equality Maryland and a Leadership in
Alternative and Complementary Health Practices Award from the American
Public Health Association (APHA).

Councilmember Trachtenberg recently completed the Program for Senior
Executives in State and Local Government at the Harvard University,
Kennedy School of Government.

She lives with her husband, Dr. Alan Trachtenberg, a public health
physician who serves as the Research Director for the Indian Health
Service, in North Bethesda. Ms. Trachtenberg's son, Walter, a recovering
schizophrenic lives in Maryland. Her daughter, Scarlett, a graduate of
Walter Johnson High School and University of California, Berkeley, is
married and lives in downtown Chicago where she serves as the Advocacy
and Communications Director for the Illinois Arts Alliance.

Please invite your friends and neighbors for this opportunity to meet
and chat with Councilmember Duchy Trachtenberg! If you have any
questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hope to see all of you there on Friday, March 19th!

Thank you!

Naomi Bloch

Community Liaison for

Councilmember Duchy Trachtenberg

Montgomery County Council

100 Maryland Avenue

Rockville, Maryland 20850

240-777-7964 (main)

240-777-7830 (direct)

UDC Healthcare Justice Cafe 6 to 10 p.m. TOMORROW Friday March 12, 2010

UDC Healthcare Justice Cafe 6 to 10 p.m. TOMORROW Friday March 12, 2010
UDC Justice Café 6 to 10 p.m. Friday March 12, 2010
supporting peace, environmental and social justice activists and

Firebird Inn Building 39, B-Level - 4200 Conn. Ave NW
Just above the Van Ness/UDC Metro (red line)

Suggested donation $15 / $10 students / $5 kids. No one turned away for
lack of donation.
Music by local performers! Food by Kit's Catering! Beer, Wine, Tabling,
Progressive Networking!

Performers, Showcase your talents! Organizations: Reserve your free table!


Special talk on Healthcare with: Dr. Margaret Flowers, MD (Maryland
Physicians for a National Health Program, Baucus 8) and others.
Kit has taken ownership of Gail's Vegetarian Catering and will continue
to provide a variety of foods, but specialize in vegan meals. Contact
her for your catering needs: 301-949-7602

Live performers:
* Margaret Flowers will perform songs with Gary Flowers and Diane
Wittner and
*Gee / George Dawson III, graduate Duke Ellington School of the Arts,
toured with Duke Ellington Show and Concert Choirs.
*Mike Bowers, Singer/Songwriter and UDC law student will mix the music
and perform favorites for voice and guitar. See:
* The Miniature Bears will perform an all acoustic set. See:

Expected Tablers: EcolocityDC * Maryland Physicians for a National
Health Program * Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light * Backbone
Campaign * dc funk the war organizing project / dc rising tide
collective * * David A. Clarke School of Law *
Progressive Democrats of America * Choices (alternatives to military
recruitment) * DC for Democracy * DC Childcare Collective * Gray
Panthers of Washington, DC * Wilfredo Bohorquez (Author) * The Wendt
Center * Democratic Socialists of America * More!

If your organization should be listed, please let me know:

Hosted by the University of the District of Columbia David Clarke School
of Law
Upcoming Cafes: March 12th, April 2nd, May 14th, June 4th. Join us for
all of them

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Support Communications Workers Monday 3/15 Noon-2 pm

We understand the broadcast employees and technicians recently accepted substantial wage and benefit cuts. Now, NPR is pushing their workers past the breaking point. We expect better from National *Public* Radio. This reminds me of the cartoon I saw some time ago. It showed a guy repainting the sign "Corporation for Public Broadcasting" to read "Public Broadcasting for Corporations." NPR's tilt away from public broadcasting toward corporate broadcasting is making it onto the air. I've noticed creeping corporatism in the coverage, tone and guest selection on NPR shows for several years. A recent show had 2 "experts" both contending the U.S. is in Afghanistan pursuant to the invitation of the legitimate Afghan government (as if there is one). Echoes of Vietnam.

This is no accident. Note their special number for "Corporate Sponsorship" (202) 513 -2093. Now, the corporate slant is apparent in NPR's current labor practices. Let's remind NPR that the thoughtful, well-informed people who listen to their shows expect them to respect the hard-working people who make those shows possible. Stand with the Communications Workers of America next Monday at Noon. If you can't make it, please call NPR Listener Services: (202) 513-3232 (Hours: 10am to 5pm ET, Monday through Friday), call via the NPR Staff Directory: (202) 513-2000 Send a fax: (202) 513-3329 or write via their webform: and be sure to mention if you're a "member." If you can, support CWA on Monday! -- Mike

I hope that you will be able to join us - Our fight with NPR is big, and Solidarity Works, Thanks -- Carrie
Please join us Monday March 15th (the Ides of March) from 12 noon to 2pm at
635 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
(at 6th Street, nearest Metro - Gallery Place)
The 65 members of NABET-CWA (National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians - Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO each took wage/benefits cuts of $17,000 in crisis bargaining to help NPR during the uncertain economic days last spring at the depth of the Great Recession.  Now, in bargaining for a new contract, with their technical professionals, NPR is demanding more givebacks, wage freeze, and eliminating more than half the bargaining unit jobs, and removing bargaining rights over benefit plans, cutting retirement plan contributions in half.
THIS is NPR?!?!?! sadly, yes it is.  Please join us to protest anti-worker behavior by NPR. March 15th from 12 noon to 2pm. Contract expires on March 31st, and next bargaining session are scheduled for March 16th, and 17th.  NPR Engineers: A Sound Investment!
More information?  Carrie Biggs-Adams (202) 415-1147

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Reminder: meeting TODAY, Tuesday, March 9, 7:30 PM

What Meeting for Montgomery County Progressives/Combined MeetUp/Meeting
for MCPA, DFMC, PDA, and more.
When Tuesday, March 9, 7:30-9:30 PM
Where Saigonese Restaurant
11232 Grandview Ave
Silver Spring MD 20902

Public Transportation: Short walk from Wheaton Metro (red line)
Google Map:

We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on the state and
national level, planning special events, forming a steering committee,
and working on meetings with legislators, and other organizations.

Please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance Google Group:

If you're on Facebook, please join the MCPA group:

Four Meetup groups--Progressive Victory in 2010, Democratic Party /
MCPA, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance and Democracy for
Montgomery County/DFA--get together with like-minded activists working
for Progressive Victories in 2010 and beyond. We meet at least once each
month to discuss and plan events and actions. Of these groups,
Progressive Victory has the most members, and we hope you will join that
Meetup to save time, money, and effort organizing our meetings and
actions. See: We'll
eventually close the other Meetup groups.

1. MCPA: The Montgomery County Progressive Alliance is a result-oriented
coalition working on local, state, national and international issues.
MCPA includes more than 1,000 local activists, mainly in and around
Montgomery County Maryland. The organization began in 2003 when
Democracy for America Meetup members reached out to other Meetup groups
and other groups. In 2004, 100s of Montgomery County for Kerry members
and local Progressive Democrats of America members joined the MCPA. MCPA
adopted a mission statement, organized special events, and has held
meetings nearly each month since 2003.

2. DFA/DFMC: Democracy for America emerged from Gov. Howard Dean's
presidential campaign in 2004, and has organized grass-roots activists
to support socially progressive, fiscally responsible candidates. DFMC
is Democracy for Montgomery County, a local DFA-inspired organization
which is not directly or legally affiliated with DFA. DFMC has organized
events and meetings; and endorsed and organized volunteers for several
candidates. DFMC is currently seeking additional steering committee
members. Please contact me, if you're
interested. You can sign up for DFA here:

3. PDA: Progressive Democrats of America began just after the 2004
Democratic National Convention in Boston. Bringing together people from
the 2004 Kucinich and Dean Campaigns with other progressives, PDA
adopted an "inside/outside strategy" uniting activists working inside
the Democratic Party with those working in peace and justice movements.
PDA's core issues include clean, accurate and transparent elections;
environmental protection; single-payer healthcare; economic and social
justice; and peace. See: You can sign up for
PDA here:

Other organizations working in our area:

PWG: The Progressive Working Group is a coalition promoting progress and
reform, economic fairness and equality, protecting the environment, and
more. PWG is not part of the MCPA, but the MCPA is part of the PWG which
currently includes: Audubon Naturalist Society, CASA of Maryland,
Democracy for Montgomery County, Equality Maryland, Health Care Now,
Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Montgomery Health Care Action,
PeaceAction Montgomery, Peace and Justice of Prince George's County,
Progressive Cheverly, Progressive Democrats of America (Maryland),
Progressive Neighbors, Save Our Votes, and Upcounty Action. PWG will
focus on 2 or 3 issues during the 2010 session. Progressive
organizations are welcome to join PWG. Please contact Wally Malakoff for more information.

NOW: The National Organization for Women has been advancing womens'
issues including general progressive causes for decades. See: for more information. Contact Montgomery County NOW
membership chairperson Jeannette Feldner to join.
Men as well as women are welcome to join NOW.

OfA: Organizing for America emerged from President Obama's campaign in
2008, and is organizing grass-roots activists to support the Democratic
National Committee/Obama agenda. OfA is sponsoring local efforts in each
congressional district which are not directly or legally affiliated with
the DNC. OfA is currently sponsoring phone banks, organizing meetings,
and building a "rapid response" media effort. Please contact Jon Randall for more information. See:

MoveOn is a national political action organization and has a local
council in Silver Spring and elsewhere around Maryland. Local MoveOn
members have cooperated with MCPA on town halls, vigils, phone banking,
and other actions. See to join your local council.

To have your organization or events listed here, please contact me.

Thanks for reading down this far, and hope to see you at the meeting and
future events,

Mike Hersh, Meetup Organizer
Chairperson, MCPA and DFMC
Maryland State Coordinator, PDA
Steering Committee, PWG

Monday, March 08, 2010

UDC Justice Cafe 6 to 10 p.m. Friday March 12, 2010

UDC Justice Café 6 to 10 p.m. Friday March 12, 2010

supporting peace, environmental and social justice activists and organizations

Firebird Inn Building 39, B-Level - 4200 Conn. Ave NW
Just above the Van Ness/UDC Metro (red line)

Suggested donation $15 / $10 students / $5 kids. No one turned away for lack of donation.
Music by local performers! Food by Kit's Catering! Beer, Wine, Tabling, Progressive Networking!

Performers, Showcase your talents! Organizations: Reserve your free table!


Special talk on Healthcare, 7:00 to 8:00 pm with: Dr. Margaret Flowers, MD (Maryland Physicians for a National Health Program, Baucus 8) and others.
Kit has taken ownership of Gail's Vegetarian Catering and will continue to provide a variety of foods, but specialize in vegan meals. Contact her for your catering needs: 301-949-7602

 Live performers:
*After speaking, Margaret Flowers will perform songs with Diane Wittner and
Gee / George Dawson III, graduate Duke Ellington School of the Arts, toured with Duke Ellington Show and Concert Choirs.
*Mike Bowers, Singer/Songwriter and UDC law student will mix the music and perform favorites for voice and guitar. See:

 Expected Tablers: EcolocityDC * Maryland Physicians for a National Health Program * Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light * Backbone Campaign * DC Childcare Collective * Physicians for a National Health Program * David A. Clarke School of Law * Progressive Democrats of America * Choices (alternatives to military recruitment) * DC for Democracy * Gray Panthers of Washington, DC *  Wilfredo Bohorquez (Author) * The Wendt Center * Democratic Socialists of America * More!

If your organization should be listed, please let me know:

Hosted by the University of the District of Columbia David Clarke School of Law

Upcoming Cafes: March 12th, April 2nd, May 14th, June 4th. Join us for all of them

March 9 Md. Buses to DC: Stop Health Insurers Mtg. to Kill Reform

March 9 Md. Buses to DC: Stop Health Insurers Mtg. to Kill Reform

Progressive Maryland Banner

Tues. March 9 Protest at AHIP Conference in DC to Shut
Down Big Insurance Industry's Bid to Kill Health Reform

Let's make Congress listen to us -- not insurance industry lobbyists!

Reserve your seat on any of the buses from every part of Maryland*

10:30 am - Gather at Dupont Circle, Connecticut and 19th St. NW, DC
11 am - March to AHIP conference at Ritz Carlton Hotel,
22nd & M NW
Noon - Massive protest rally & "citizens' arrest" of AHIP at Ritz-Carlton

Tuesday March 9, thousands of activists will hit the streets in Washington, DC to protest big insurance and demand that Congress give America the health care reform we voted for.  That's the day the health insurance lobby, America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), holds a national conference at the Ritz Carlton Hotel to advance its agenda to kill health care reform.
We will be there to shut down their event and put the insurance companies and every corporate enemy of change on notice:  We will not allow the big corporations and their lobbyists to bully Congress into inaction -- on health care or any of our issues.

*RSVP by noon Friday for a seat on any of these buses
(Free parking at all sites; box lunches will be provided; $10 donation requested
Departure times are firm -- come early so you don't miss it!)

Western Maryland bus:

  • Stop Big Insurance7:00 am depart Cumberland (return by 6 pm)
  • 8:15 arrive/8:30 am depart Hagerstown (return by 4:30 pm)
  • 9:00 arrive/9:15 depart Frederick  (return by 4 pm)

Harford/Cecil County bus:

  • 8:45-9:00 am depart Aberdeen (return by 4:30 pm)
  • 9:35 arrive/9:45 am depart east Baltimore (return by 3:30 pm)

Baltimore City bus #1:

  • 9:00 am depart from downtown (return by 3:30 pm)

Baltimore City bus #2 (continuation of Harford Co bus)

  • 9:35 arrive/9:45 depart east Baltimore (return by 3:30 pm)

Eastern Shore bus

  • 7:15 am: Salisbury (return by 5:45 pm)
  • 8:00 arrive/8:15 depart Cambridge (return by 5pm)
  • 8:45 arrive/9:00 depart Easton (return by 4pm)

Southern Maryland (details TBA)

Click now to RSVP/reserve your bus seat by noon Friday

Or email your name, location, email and phone to
Matthew(AT) (or just reply to this message)
and we'll contact you with all details and updates.

Every day that health care reform is delayed, the entire progressive agenda we voted for in the most historic election of our lives is more at risk.  But if we beat big insurance on health care, we can put the corporations on the defensive and win on jobs, climate change, financial reform, worker rights, and much more.
Our dramatic action will send a clear message to Congress:  Listen to everyday Americans, not the insurance lobbyists.  We've had enough of insurance companies' denied claims, inflated profits and soaring premiums.  We can't wait any longer.  We need reform now.
This is a critical moment. President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have reaffirmed their commitment to pass reform and end the insurance industry stranglehold on health care.  They have to do this now.  At the same time, we have to expose the insurance lobby and their shameless opposition to reform.  We have to show America that there are two sides in this fight -- and every fight that matters -- and the political leaders who side with the insurance companies are against us.

RSVP NOWPrint the Flier PDF,
More at or
Email or call 301-495-7004/410-685-7004 x19

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State Headquarters: 8720 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 • (301) 495 7004