Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Support Communications Workers Monday 3/15 Noon-2 pm

We understand the broadcast employees and technicians recently accepted substantial wage and benefit cuts. Now, NPR is pushing their workers past the breaking point. We expect better from National *Public* Radio. This reminds me of the cartoon I saw some time ago. It showed a guy repainting the sign "Corporation for Public Broadcasting" to read "Public Broadcasting for Corporations." NPR's tilt away from public broadcasting toward corporate broadcasting is making it onto the air. I've noticed creeping corporatism in the coverage, tone and guest selection on NPR shows for several years. A recent show had 2 "experts" both contending the U.S. is in Afghanistan pursuant to the invitation of the legitimate Afghan government (as if there is one). Echoes of Vietnam.

This is no accident. Note their special number for "Corporate Sponsorship" (202) 513 -2093. Now, the corporate slant is apparent in NPR's current labor practices. Let's remind NPR that the thoughtful, well-informed people who listen to their shows expect them to respect the hard-working people who make those shows possible. Stand with the Communications Workers of America next Monday at Noon. If you can't make it, please call NPR Listener Services: (202) 513-3232 (Hours: 10am to 5pm ET, Monday through Friday), call via the NPR Staff Directory: (202) 513-2000 Send a fax: (202) 513-3329 or write via their webform: and be sure to mention if you're a "member." If you can, support CWA on Monday! -- Mike

I hope that you will be able to join us - Our fight with NPR is big, and Solidarity Works, Thanks -- Carrie
Please join us Monday March 15th (the Ides of March) from 12 noon to 2pm at
635 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
(at 6th Street, nearest Metro - Gallery Place)
The 65 members of NABET-CWA (National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians - Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO each took wage/benefits cuts of $17,000 in crisis bargaining to help NPR during the uncertain economic days last spring at the depth of the Great Recession.  Now, in bargaining for a new contract, with their technical professionals, NPR is demanding more givebacks, wage freeze, and eliminating more than half the bargaining unit jobs, and removing bargaining rights over benefit plans, cutting retirement plan contributions in half.
THIS is NPR?!?!?! sadly, yes it is.  Please join us to protest anti-worker behavior by NPR. March 15th from 12 noon to 2pm. Contract expires on March 31st, and next bargaining session are scheduled for March 16th, and 17th.  NPR Engineers: A Sound Investment!
More information?  Carrie Biggs-Adams (202) 415-1147

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