Friday, March 12, 2010

TONIGHT! UDC HEALTHCARE Justice Cafe 6-10 pm

UDC Justice Café 6 to 10 p.m. Friday March 12, 2010
supporting peace, environmental and social justice activists and organizations

Firebird Inn Building 39, B-Level - 4200 Conn. Ave NW
Just above the Van Ness/UDC Metro Station (red line)

Suggested donation $15 / $10 students / $5 kids. No one turned away for lack of donation.
Music by local performers! Food by Kit's Catering! Beer, Wine, Tabling, Progressive Networking!
Kit now owns Gail's Vegetarian Catering and provides a variety of foods, specializing in vegan meals. Contact her for catering needs: 301-949-7602

Performers, Showcase your talents! Organizations: Reserve your free table!

Hosted by the University of the District of Columbia David Clarke School of Law
Next Cafe: April 2nd with Special Discussion of "Rights at Risk"

Talk on Healthcare with: Dr. Margaret Flowers, MD (Maryland Physicians for a National Health Program, Baucus 8)

Live performers:
*Margaret Flowers will perform songs with Gary Flowers and Diane Wittner and
Gee / George Dawson III, graduate Duke Ellington School of the Arts, toured with Duke Ellington Show and Concert Choirs.
*Mike Bowers, Singer/Songwriter and UDC law student will mix the music and perform favorites for voice and guitar. See: 

Expected Tablers: dc funk the war organizing project / dc rising tide collective * * EcolocityDC * Maryland Physicians for a National Health Program * Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light * Backbone Campaign * DC Childcare Collective * Physicians for a National Health Program * David A. Clarke School of Law * Progressive Democrats of America * Choices (alternatives to military recruitment) * DC for Democracy * Gray Panthers,Washington, DC *  Wilfredo Bohorquez (Author) * The Wendt Center * Democratic Socialists of America * More! Free table in April, contact:

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