Sunday, March 14, 2010

TOMORROW! Demand Public Option in DC

DFA calls for Public Option tomorrow, Monday March 15, 11 AM to 1 PM
Outside Cannon House Office Building at 1st Street & C Streets (near
Capitol South Metro stop)

Hi all,

The public option has been declared dead several times, but it just
keeps coming back! Almost 50 Senators are for it (based on PCCC's
conversations) and a majority of the House of Reps. So let's demand that
Speaker Pelosi include it in the reconciliation bill.

Tomorrow, we will serve as DFA ambassadors to deliver a letter to
targeted House members from Reps. Polis and Pingree, urging the
inclusion of the public option in the House reconciliation bill.

Where: Outside Cannon House Office Building at 1st Street & C Streets,
SE, at the benches (just across the street from Capitol South metro)
When: Monday, March 15 11AM - 1PM.

Please let me know if you will join us!


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