1. Health Care Justice Memorial--Corner of 15th St. and Constitution Ave.
Sunday, 9/20, Setup 10 AM, memorial ongoing through Sunday, 9/27
2. Town Hall Meeting "Reaching for Health Care Reform"
4-6 PM Sunday 9/20, River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation,
Bethesda, MD
3. Demonstration against America's Health Insurance Plans
Noon Tuesday, 9/22 AHIP HQ 601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, DC
4. Mad as Hell Doctors Meet in Maryland, Rally in D.C. Wednesday, 9/30
5. UDC Justice Cafe Friday, October 2, 6-10 PM University of DC at Van Ness
After working for healthcare, unwind with food, beer, music and fun!
1. Health Care Justice Memorial in DC on the national mall, the grounds
of the Washington Monument--contact Margaret Flowers, M.D.
mdpnhp@gmail.com 410-591-0892 for more info. Set up begins Sunday,
September 20, 10 AM and the vigil continues 24/7 until Sunday, September
27. Join and support healthcare activists in the tent with a table
inside for petitions and literature to educate people about the
solution: Single payer.
From Dr. Margaret Flowers, MD:
Dear Friends,
A big THANK YOU to those who have volunteered to help with the Flag
Memorial Exhibit. We still need more volunteers, especially to help with
the overnights! The Flag Memorial will be exhibited on the grounds of
the National Monument at the corner of 15th St and Constitution Ave for
Health Justice Week from 10 am on Sunday the 20th to 6 pm on Sunday the
27th. It is based on a new study which shows that there are nearly
45,000 deaths in the US each year due to lack of insurance. See:
This works out to over 120 deaths every day, but these deaths don't make
the news. We wanted a way to make these deaths visible. Flags will be
placed to represent the number of people who have died so far this year
and each day we will add more flags. We will have handouts and petitions
to sign. Please contact me if you can volunteer. My number is 410-591-0892.
The Health Justice Patient Vigil will be held on Thursday September 24th
from 4 to 6:30 pm at Upper Senate Park in Washington.
The Mad As Hell Doctors are coming to Washington! Learn more at
http://www.madashelldoctorstour.com They will Care-A-Van from Frederick
Maryland, making stops in Columbia and Silver Spring, then gather on the
Ellipse at 15th and Constitution (side closest to the White House) to
march to Lafayette Park at 3 pm for a rally at 4 pm.
And, if you can, join us for the PNHP fundraiser on Saturday, Sept 26th
from 6 to 9 pm at the home of Margaret Flowers in Sparks, MD. Call for
more details. 410-591-0892.
Ever onward to single payer,
2. Health Care Town Hall "Reaching for Health Care Reform"
Sunday, September 20, 4-6 PM.
River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation
6301 River Road, Bethesda, MD 20817
With Panel Discussion featuring:
Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Congressional District 8
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Md. Physicians for a National Health Program
Lisa Codispoti, National Women's Law Center
Karen Davenport, Center for American Progress
Sponsored by Montgomery Health Care ACTION
Google Map:
Public Transportation: From Friendship Heights Metro RIDE-ON BUS T2
toward Rockville leaves 3:45. arrives 3:55
3. Demonstration against AHIP
Noon 9/22, 601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, DC
Short walk from Archives Metro station:
Every day, AHIP ("America's Health Insurance Plans") is spreading money
and misinformation around to kill needed reform. Noon on Tuesday,
September 22, we'll send a clear message to the insurance company fat
cats and the lawmakers who are "joined at the AHIP." Bring signs if you
can, we'll have some for you if you can't. Tell everyone you know.
AHIP's members support "tea bag" town hall disruptions and withhold
needed care from American families. They want to block real reform and
trick or arm-twist our elected officials into giving them our tax
dollars. The average big health insurance CEO makes about $1 million a
month! They line their pockets by telling people they can't have the
care they need. They're bankrupting families and killing people.
4. Mad as Hell Doctors
Morning 9/30 Mad as Hell Doctors Meet at Frederick, Columbia and Silver
Spring, MD (details TBA)
4-7 PM 9/30 Mad as Hell Doctors Washington D.C. Rally Lafayette Square
Park in D.C. (across from the White House)
On the morning of September 30th a Care-A-Van meet up will take place on
in Frederick, MD. The time and exact location are still TBA but will be
coming soon. From there, the Care-A-Van will proceed to Columbia, MD to
pick up more Care-A-Van supporters. Again, exact time and locations will
are still TBA. From Columbia, MD the Care-A-Van will proceed to the
Silver Spring Metro Station. There is a large parking lot with enough
spaces for all of our supporters leave their cars and and take the Metro
into D.C. We suggest wearing a white ribbon on your clothing so you will
recognize each other as you ride into the city. We all will march with
our signs, our voices, our unyielding conviction and our commitment to
peaceful demonstration onward toward Lafayette Park where the program
will begin at 4:00pm.
Follow the MAHD tour on their website:
Use the resources on PDA's Healthcare for All/Single Payer IOT pages:
Plan on meeting and marching with the Mad As Hell Doctors in Maryland
and DC: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/MadDrs?ref=ts
5. UDC Justice Cafe 6-10 PM Friday, October 2nd
Firebird Inn Building 39, B-Level - 4200 Connecticut Ave NW Washington
DC 20008
Just above the Van Ness UDC Metro Station (red line) Wheelchair Accessible
Campus Map: http://www.udc.edu/campus_map.htm
In support of environmental and social justice activists and
organizations. If you are passionate about social justice and/or the
environment and want to connect, learn, and have fun with others like
you, join us.
Suggested donation $15 / $10 students / $5 kids. All ages event; child
activities provided - and powered by kids! Featuring food, music,
poetry, beer, an open mic session, tabling and more. Hosted by the
University of the District of Columbia David Clarke School of Law, the
District's public interest law school.
We need volunteers to help set up and decorate, clean up at the end, and
help host the event.
VOLUNTEER, contact Mike: mikehersh@mikehersh.com or Joe: JFL@udc.edu
FOR A FREE TABLE contact Marie: Marie@Earthrights.org
Our effort is growing! AFL-CIO Convention Endorses Single Payer Healthcare
(Pittsburgh, PA) The AFL-CIO, the nation's largest labor federation
representing 11.5 million workers in 57 international and national
unions, has endorsed a single payer health care system as the best way
to guarantee healthcare to everyone. The unanimous vote in favor of
Convention Resolution 34, The Social Insurance Model for Health Care
Reform, came immediately after President Obama had addressed the
Convention last Tuesday.
The resolution states: "The experience of Medicare (and of nearly every
other industrialized country) shows the most cost effective and
equitable way to provide quality healthcare is through a single-payer
system.... We reiterate our longstanding call for congressional leaders
to unite behind such a plan."
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