Join P.D.A. welcoming "Mad As Hell Doctors" to Maryland and D.C.
Wednesday Sept. 30th
Let's give the Mad As Hell Doctors a warm Maryland and D.C. welcome.
We'll join them at stops in Frederick, Columbia, and Silver Spring.
Then, we'll march and rally with them for Single Payer healthcare at the
White House. The Mad As Hell Doctors aren't going to take it anymore.
They began a cross country tour August 28th, and will arrive in
Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, September 30th.
The care-a-van will stop in Maryland on their way to a march and rally
in D.C. We will tell the President and Congress to deliver the reform we
need: a national single payer health system. We've learned that single
payer amendments will be offered on the floor of the House and the
Senate. Join us and wear a white ribbon to show your support and so we
movement can recognize you!
Maryland Stop #1 Frederick, Maryland:
Join us at the Fairground, 797 E Patrick St. from
9:30 to 10 a.m. Then, drive to Columbia (about 1 hour).
Maryland Stop #2 Columbia, Maryland:
Meet at the Columbia Mall,,+Columbia,+MD
10300 Little Patuxent Pkwy. (in front of J.C. Penny) from 11 to 11:30
a.m. Then, drive to Silver Spring (about 30 minutes).
Maryland Stop #3 Silver Spring, Maryland:
Park at a nearby metered garage and meet us at the Silver Spring Metro
Station, 12
Noon and take the Red Line toward Shady Grove to Metro Center, switch to
a Blue/Orange train, and travel to the McPherson Square station. Come
early (11:30 a.m.) and pass out single payer leaflets!
Parking Garages near the Silver Spring Metro station:
* Network Parking -- 1400 E West Hwy, Silver Spring, MD - 0.1 mi W
* Central Parking Systems -- 8401 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD - 0.1
mi NE
* Impark -- 8403 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD - 0.1 mi NE
* Central Parking Systems -- 8455 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD - 0.2
mi NE
Meet at McPherson Square at 3 p.m. to march down Vermont Ave. to the
rally at Lafayette Square Park (across from the White House).
Rally begins at 4 pm with music and exciting speakers:
If you miss us at any of these stops, meet us by 3 p.m. at McPherson
Square to march or by 4 p.m. at Lafayette Square Park to rally.
Be part of history by getting mad with the doctors and to understand
single payer well enough to argue for it, use the resources on PDA's
Healthcare for All/Single Payer IOT pages:
PDA is a Mad As Hell Doctors partner. More about the MAHDs:
Thanks and see you there!
Mike Hersh
for Progressive Democrats of America
P.S. Don't forget the UDC Justice Cafe Friday, October 2nd, 6 to 10 p.m.
at the Univ. of DC, just above the Van Ness Metro station. Food, music,
tabling and more! More info. RSVP:
Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both
inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and
justice. Our goal in 2009: Expand progressive influence in Congress as
we build on our 2008 electoral successes. PDA's advisory board includes
seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea
Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Lila Garrett.
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