Monday, September 14, 2009

Healthcare Actions and Events

Hello Friends,
As you know, single payer has a huge window of opportunity. As the health reform bill being drafted in Congress falls apart, single payer - the solution that will be universal and control costs - has an opportunity to step in and bring real reform. It is now up to us. We need your help to step up awareness and support!
Please join us in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 10 am to help us deliver letters and packets of information to each member in the House of Representatives. We will meet outside the Rayburn House Office Building at the South Capitol Street Entrance. Wear comfortable shoes and bring your friends - we have 435 packets to deliver. The purpose of this is to make it very clear to each member exactly what the single payer movement wants Congress to do this fall. They are asking for directions,  and we need to give it to them. That should be an exciting day in Congress as it will be the beginning of hearings in the Committee on Governmental Oversight on the private insurance industry practices. It is also the day that the new study with the updated numbers of people who die because they don't have access to health care will be published.
We also need volunteers for Health Justice Week Sept. 20 to 27th. We will have a space on the National Mall where we will place American Flags to represent the number of people who die each day in this country because they lack health care (based on the new study). We will add more flags each day. We need volunteers to staff the tent and pass out sample national health care cards, collect petition signatures and hand out fliers between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm. We need volunteers to set up the exhibit on the 20th and take it down on the 27th. And we need volunteers to watch over the exhibit during the off hours - 6 pm to 10 am. Please contact me at if you can volunteer (or call me at 410-591-0892).
Thank you! Now is the time and together we can make real change!
Best regards,
Margaret Flowers

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