Monday, September 13, 2010

Doug Duncan Denounces Lenett Attacks - Endorses Manno

Former County Executive Doug Duncan Denounces Lenett Attacks -
Endorses Manno for State Senate

Silver Spring - This afternoon, former 3-term County Executive Doug
Duncan released the following statement denouncing Mike Lenett's
personal attacks, and endorsing Roger Manno for State Senate:

"In these very difficult economic times, we need leaders who will focus
on the challenges ahead and put personal pettiness behind them. Roger
Manno is working hard to bring District 19 together for the good of the
community, while his opponent has resorted to attempted character
assassination in this campaign. Mike Lenett's recent personal attacks on
Roger Manno, his wife and family are never called for in an election.
Today, I am asking District 19 voters to stand up and say no to this
type of offensive politics and vote for Roger Manno for State Senate."

Roger Manno commented that "I am humbled and honored to receive the
endorsement of former County Executive Doug Duncan. In addition, I am
touched that the community has come together in such a strong and vocal
way to support our candidacy, and to condemn Mike Lenett's mean-spirited
and false attacks."

For more information, please visit

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