Sunday, September 12, 2010

Race for My Old Senate Seat

From: Senator Len Teitelbaum
Date: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 8:49 PM
Subject: Race for My Old Senate Seat

Dear Friend:

Now that all the brochures have been sent, and primary day approaches, I
am attempting in a concise way to answer the question that many people
have asked: Why are all the previous D 19 legislators, The WASHINGTON
POST and GAZETTE newspapers, as well as many other activists and groups,
endorsing Roger Manno for my old State Senate seat?

Being an elected official is a very personal business. All your activity
should be done with the idea that today's opponent on an issue could be
tomorrow's ally. Stepping over people is not how things get done. Roger
Manno has proven, as one of your elected State Delegates, that things
get done when people work together, and credit is shared in an equitable
way. Credit is taken when it is earned, and if an issue is important,
but is being worked by another legislator, volunteer to help, but don't
take credit for other people's work.

Roger's accomplishments in his time in Annapolis has been many. A few
examples are: He sponsored a bill, HB1532, now law, to require 2-
15-minutes breaks every 8 hours, HB29 to prevent insurance companies
from denying coverage or increasing rates for pre-existing conditions,
Two bills, HB1073 in 2007 & HB37 in 2008 which provided tax assistance
to close the "doughnut hole" for Medicare recipients. He also was called
by the White House to help formulate the Health Care bill which was just
passed by Congress & signed by the President. Look at his website for other examples.

But there's another part of the job that has not gotten the attention it
deserves. That is the Senator working with his/her Delegates to get
things for D19 residents. Such things as traffic lights, road repairs,&
stop signs at intersections. Cooperation between all four members is
absolutely necessary because we have to compete with other Delegations
for limited funds to get these things. This is where the rubber hits the
road when they say " all politics is local." I used to meet with my
Delegates two to three times a month, where we worked together, to write
joint letters, make phone calls & do the District's business. Traffic
lights at the north gate of Leisure World, and the traffic light at
Arcola & Hermleigh Roads are two examples of our success. This did not
happen these last four years. We even wrote recommendation letters, to
our Congressional delegation for applicants to West Point, Annapolis and
The Air Force Academy. Incidentally two of the people we recommended
were accepted to and attended, one each to West Point, and the Naval

Two weeks ago the GAZETTE published a list of the road repairs planned
for Montgomery County. Not one road in D19 was listed. If the four D19
legislators had been meeting regularly, Georgia Ave. near the entrance
to Leisure World, Georgia Ave. near Wheaton, University Blvd. near Kemp
Mill road are but a few example of candidates that could have been on
the list for having potholes fixed or having sections repaved.

These are just a few reasons why all the previous D19 legislators, THE
WASHINGTON POST and GAZETTE newspapers AND MANY other folks are
supporting Roger Manno, I hope you will also.

Best regards,
Len Teitelbaum

Printed and circulated to my community at personal expense and without
authorization by Roger Manno or any other organization.

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